Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022

Published 5 Comments on Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022
Max Musina's Real Life City Wok in this City Town South Park Parody, map group, massimiliano musina
Max Musina, Massimiliano Musina - Biography - IMDb

The latest Max Musina story is straight out of Lala Land’s playbook for how to fake it in Hollywood 101. Max Musina is ‘so wong but feel so wite.’ Lol! His fake WFICS film conference lists the SAG-AFTRA address, but if you call, it says ‘La La Noodle Chinese takeaway,’ how can I help you? 😂

A Producer’s Guild Member contacted the blog last weekend, pointing out that credibility by association is that people know our reputation by the company we keep.

To paraphrase, the PGA member who goes by the moniker PGA Membero, identified a December 2022 press release that stinks of a poor PR hack to place Max Musina’s name alongside respected, relevant, and trusted Hollywood business leaders. This is not really surprising, given that Max Musina continues to lie about graduating from New York University. You can read the story here: Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed and the press release here.

Max Musina’s attempt at elevating himself through the “WFICS” is laughable. With a fake email, contact information, and phone number leading to a Chinese restaurant called Lala Noodle, Max has proven himself to be a sad Max-i-con. And let’s not forget his infamous nickname – “taking the bullsht meter dial to the Max Musina.”

It’s no surprise that Max’s attempts to align himself with Hollywood players and present himself as a world freedom filmmaker have fallen flat. His self-importance and lack of credibility make him the ultimate parody of a wannabe filmmaker.

Like the characters in the hilarious movie “Team America,” Max Musina and his crew pretend to be an elite group of Hollywood leaders. But in reality, they’re just a bunch of delusional grifters trying to make a name for themselves by any means necessary.

So Max, if you’re reading this, take a step back and reassess. Align yourself with real players and build a reputation based on honesty and hard work rather than trying to fake it till you make it. Because right now, you’re just a sad Max-i-con, taking the bullsht meter dial to the Max Musina.

Max’s latest scam involves pretending to be a part of an organization called “The First World Film Industry Conference” (WFICS) and “Global Film Producer’s Forum,” and trying to associate his name with respected and trusted Hollywood figures.

What we learned discredits the legitimacy of all people the conference claims to be involved.

It turns out that the WFICS is a complete fake, with a fake email address, a phone number that belongs to a Chinese restaurant, and a press release that misrepresents known industry figures.

Max Musina must think that people are “stupido” to fall for his scams, but fortunately, a Producer’s Guild (PGA) member called him out and exposed the truth.

PGA membero asks, “Does Musina or the people he hired think people are so stupido to believe that Musina’s name would appear alongside tenured professors such as the Dean of the Film Academy of the University of Southern California or the Dean of the School of Theater, Film, and Television for UCLA, or Mike Medavoy, a Hollywood Titan, who responded: ‘I don’t know who these people are, and frankly I had no plans of attending, and as many of you know, I’m not an actor.’

Max Musina must think that people are indeed stupido. Most people don’t bother to check the press releases. PGA membero says that he only noticed it because he had never heard of the organization. Specific names labeled ‘famous’ were unknown, and the press release also miscategorized known people like Mike Medavoy. So PGA membero tried contacting the organization, but the emails bounced back, so it was time to dig deeper and discover the truth.

In the end, it seems that Max Musina is “so wong but so wite,” and his attempts to elevate himself are as ridiculous as the fictional Team America’s quest to save the movie industry from oppression.

Max Musina’s stupidity is as unmistakable as his D-cups in a wet bikini contest.

While another reader commented, “Max Musina hopes to hypnotize people with his plunging cleavage.

Fortunately, Max’s stupidity is as unmistakable as his D-cups in a wet bikini contest.” Ouch! How do we unsee this image?

Video: Max Musina is more full of crap than a toilet on Cinco de Mayo!

Max Musina, “so wong but so wite.”

First, the “Sophia Wong” email address for the China organizer of The First World Film Industry Conference bounced back. No user exists. We can confirm this.

Second, google search results for WFICS contact information suggest that it is a fake address using SAG-AFTRA office info without permission. Obviously, WFICS does not use the SAG-AFTRA offices.

And third, google search results show that the WFICS phone number belongs to “La La Noodle Chinese restaurant” and many other impressive-sounding organizations that don’t exist!

What a joke! Max, if you’re going to try to elevate yourself, align yourself with top people, not an LA Noodle Chinese restaurant-slash-public-relations hack.

LA Noodle? What’s the brig idea?!

Like the hilarious Team America movie, Max Musina and his self-important would-be filmmakers dreamed up “The First World Film Industry Conference ‘(WFICS) and ‘Global Film Producer’s Forum.’ They think placing themselves alongside known Hollywood players will make people see them as an elite group of world freedom filmmakers battling to save the movie industry against tyrannical oppression and intimidation.

Thanks to PGA membero for commenting and suggesting the blog tell your findings.

Please comment for corrections or if you want to tell stories of your own experiences dealing with Map Group’s Max Musina from Malibu, California but now residing in Puerto Rico.

First World Film Industry Conference Scam. Max Musina must think that people are indeed stupido!
First World Film Industry Conference, Global  Film Producers Conference Scam. Max Musina must think that people are indeed stupido! (massimiliano musina) map group
First World Film Industry Conference, Global Film Producers Conference Scam. Max Musina must think that people are indeed stupido! (massimiliano musina) map group
First World Film Industry Conference, Global  Film Producers Conference Scam. Stupido Max Musina's Chinese restaurant-slash-public-relations hack.  (massimiliano musina) map group
First World Film Industry Conference, Global Film Producers Conference Scam. Stupido Max Musina’s Chinese restaurant-slash-public-relations hack. (massimiliano musina) map group “La La Noodle”
Max Musina and his 'Team La La Noodle', Chinese Take-away slash public relations for the 'The First World Film Industry Conference '(WFICS) and 'Global Film Producer's Forum
Max Musina and his ‘Team La La Noodle’, Chinese Take-away slash public relations for the ‘The First World Film Industry Conference ‘(WFICS) and ‘Global Film Producer’s Forum
Max Musina's Real Life City Wok in this City Town South Park Parody, map group, massimiliano musina
Max Musina’s Real Life City Wok in this City Town South Park Parody

As one reader commented, “Max Musina is more fulla crap than a toilet on Cinco de Mayo.”

max musina massimiliano musina full toilet 2
Max Musina is more fulla crap than a toilet on Cinco de Mayo

max musina massimiliano musina imdb bio
Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) is five foot nine and a bit (Imdb) vs (Tinder)

By Massimiliano Musina Film Producer (Max Musina) Parody

Max Musina (Massimiliano) is a broke Hollywood grifter pushing the limits of gullibility with false professional claims as fake as his teeth + waxed eyebrows.


  1. the level of c*ntishness from Max is astounding. This guy will steal from you, lie to you, and then sue you and claim your hard work as his own. He’s suing my friend in the UK. He showed me some of the papers. Max has a scummy lawyer who’s an expert in confusing the court in Los Angeles and it’s bonkers what the court has allowed him to claim and so far gotten away with. whatever moral compass Musina claims to believe to try and gain your trust is just for show. He has no scruples. Don’t make the same mistake my friend did by thinking Max was his friend. He’s a thief. Keep clear!

  2. What a dumb thing to do! Max, your fortune cookie says: ‘Aim for authenticity.'”

  3. Max Musina’s faking skills are like my diet plans. Lots of promises, zero results. His script is a worthy takeaway, but not Hollywood material!

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