Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023

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Massimiliano Musina contact details - Connect with Map Group's Max Musina for conversations on waxed eyebrows from LA to Puerto Rico. #maxmusina @maxmusina #satire
Massimiliano Musina Contact details for all your eyebrow waxing needs! Connect with Map Group's Max Musina for conversations on waxed eyebrows from LA to Puerto Rico. #maxmusina @maxmusina #satire.

In this review, we take a closer look at the Max Musina fake. Learn more about Hollywood’s ultimate fraudster and his deceptive tactics.

Fraud is when a person or thing intentionally deceives others by making unjustified claims or being credited with false accomplishments or qualities. Sadly, this is what Max Musina has done throughout his career.


The Max Musina Fake IMDb Expose

Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) knowingly uses deception for personal gain.  One review of @maxmusina’s fake professional resume shows that this Hollywood shyster has set about faking it until he makes it. When you dig a little deeper, it is more accurate to say that Massimiliano Musina believes he can commit fraud by “faking it until he fakes it“.

El burro sabe mas que tu! (VIDEO) – Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) @maxmusina @max_musina map group LinkedIn IMDb

Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) has an unbelievable ability to imagine six-figure monetary value in unproven business ideas without generating a single dollar in sales or investment.

Don’t rely on a single thing Musina says. Max Musina has a habit of knowingly misrepresenting his professional experience to further his own agenda.

The professional achievements LA’s Max Musina claims are as fake as his white teeth, smile, and waxed eyebrows.

Massimiliano Musina looks at these social climbing opportunities like a would-be producer in Hollywood credit-claiming fees and association simply because he socialized with you and discussed your business but delivered no tangible value. 

One thing Max Musina does very well is trying to attach himself to a deal you are working on.

Max Musina is a bottom feeder with a habit of trying to shake down others he once called friends for a payout.

Max Musina casually talks about his imaginary involvement in business deals that he has not participated in.

It’s as if Musina has read a self-help book that told him that if he repeats a lie often enough, it will become a mantra and might become a reality. The truth is his lies about his supposed cleverness in making money from business ventures are just wishful thinking or unfulfilled dreams.

Massimiliano Musina falsely claims to have founded and raised investments for various companies.

If you ask Musina, he can not provide credible evidence to support his fantastic claims. 

For Massimiliano Musina, it’s just dinner party talk to impress others and himself. 

Max Musina is a cautionary tale for people that might be taken in by his fake smile and empty offers to help with something. Max Musina is a master of researching and seeking out connected business people in fancy bars, restaurants, and clubs.

Massimiliano Musina seeks credibility by association and often presents ideas, deals, and experiences people have discussed with him as his own.  He does not have an original thought in his head.

Musina’s professional biography published on the Beacon Pictures website is riddled with factual untruths. It falsely states that “During his career, Max has negotiated and advised sales and purchases of several companies and rights with an aggregate value exceeding US$ 500M“.

This is not simply an exaggeration, it is an outright lie. Ask Massimiliano Musina to produce financial evidence to support this lofty claim and he can not.

The not-so-funny thing is that if Musina has really raised so much money, why is it that Musina wasn’t even able to pay his credit card company? American Express has a default judgment against him but has been unable to collect because Musina lives out of his car, sleeps over at friends’ homes, and only uses a Malibu post box. You can verify this:


Case Number: LC104907

Filing Date: 08/19/2016

Case Type: Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction)

Status: Default Judgment By Court – Before Trial

09/26/2017 Case number: LC104907

@max_musina instagram @maxmusina
Due diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina

Yet another false statement is that “Max is currently focused on entertainment finance deals and acquisitions while advising on the growth of multiple companies either as interim CEO or through advisory roles as part of The MAP Group”.

In Musina’s daydreams, this might be true, but this statement could not be further from the truth. Ask Max Musina to produce evidence or professional references to confirm such critical roles as a paid interim-CEO or advisor, and he can not. 

Musina touts his experience with the Vivienne Westwood brand as a critical facet of his professional expertise, yet he worked for his friend, the CEO, on an ad-hoc basis only for less than a month.

Massimiliano Musina likes to try to pick up random girls and introduce them to new prospective, possibly socially awkward, or older investors he meets and sees as marks. 

Max’s goal is to become fast friends with his mark in the hopes that he will endear himself enough so that his new friend and investment target overlooks Max’s exaggerated professional experience.

Musina is hoping to find some bored (crypto) investor taken in by the flashy lights and pretty faces of Hollywood.

Musina will then pitch various distressed high-risk film projects, name-dropping those who are unattached, that just need that last bit of investment to close.

UPDATE: Musina’s latest scam is to try and raise funds for a tv show called HODL about crypto by getting people to give him and some other inexperienced associates $7,500,000 in unsecured funding via a crypto token.

You can make up your mind here. How anyone in this group is able to pass even the most cursory due diligence is anyone’s guess.

The HODL tv show fundraising effort reads like another crypto NFT scam pandering to those in the crypto community who think it might be sexy to be in the entertainment business.

Max Musina is desperate to attract naive Hollywood types that think crypto could be their get-rich-quick opportunity while Beacon sits on the sidelines in case these fools do manage to get people to invest in them.

They are trying to leverage Beacon Pictures resume but it is clear that Beacon Pictures is not actually part of the HODL production according to the SEC filing for the fundraising documents.

There seem to be no protections about how Max Musina and his associates use the funds or any protections for investors if they use the money without making a tv show. 

The no-name producer’s pr blurb claims that the HODL show is “created by the pseudo-anonymous crypto insider Suhh Toshee, who wrote multiple episodes”. Do they think investors are really that stupid?

Max Musina’s Bullshit Biography littered with falsehoods
@maxmusina @max_musina Instagram Puerto Rico Los Angeles Due Diligence
Max Musina Massimiliano A Man as Fake as his white smile and waxed eyebrows

By Massimiliano Musina Film Producer (Max Musina) Parody

Max Musina (Massimiliano) is a broke Hollywood grifter pushing the limits of gullibility with false professional claims as fake as his teeth + waxed eyebrows.


  1. Being a broker to deals doesn’t make Max dishonest, but pretending to be an owner in the businesses he tries to worm his way into does.

  2. I completely agree with these comments and wanted to share my own similar observations. Max Musina is a self-proclaimed self-help guru wannabe who loves spouting off all the motivational crap he learned from watching Tony Robbins videos on YouTube. He’s always trying to use these fake NLP lines on anyone he meets, giving them a creepy blue-eyed stare and a phony smile as he asks, ‘What’s your dream? How can I help you make it happen?’ But don’t be fooled – all the rumors about this guy’s sneaky schemes are true. Max is more interested in scheming and charming his way to the top than actually helping anyone achieve their dreams.

  3. Hello, I am Hollywood insider and PGA member, I am writing to you privately to express my opinion. Please contact me. I find information question about a recent press release names Max Musina as a speaker or organizer for something calling itself “The First World Film Industry Conference and Global Film Producers Forum.” It is fake. The contact number is for La La Noodle Chinese Restaurant and the office address it give is for SAG-Aftra. The wfics organization no exist. Obvious lie. So Stupido!

    1. Max Musina hopes to hypnotize people with his plunging V-necks and hairy cleavage. Fortunately, Max’s stupidity is as unmistakable as his D-cups in a wet bikini contest.

      1. Max Musina is the kind of guy that thinks the quickest way to make millions is by filing a lawsuit against a wealthy person. BEWARE!

      2. Welcome to America where the biggest criminals get rewarded with TV interviews and filing a lawsuit is just a way to settle a disagreement. Google Max Musina. We have all had toxic people dust us with their poison. Sometimes it’s more like a drenching. He’s a lazy, good-for-nothing career opportunist that has never achieved anything without doing someone over. He’s bad news!

    2. This is funny. I bet Max Musina is the kinda guy that communicates his business enthusiasm with rocket 🚀 emojis to the moon 🌙

  4. Musina has hired an SEO team to clean up his online image. No doubt Max has promised them something he won’t deliver on if they just do this one thing for him. His new website claims working with Max offers “life-changing moments…sharing the little things that make a big difference.” The consensus here is that he couldn’t be more right. Working with Max and the little things he did was as life-changing as getting cancer. Painful, expensive, and so not what you ever expected to have to waste your time on.

    1. Yes. Thank you for say. We do cheap seo for you here in Kampala. Find us on Fiverr like KC and our Bacolod friends in the Philippines. The hunter in pursuit of an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds. Siiba bulungi!

  5. Max Musina (or Massimiliano Musina as he no calls himself in his latest online rebrand to try and dodge this blog) is a poor excuse for a (fake) friend or (fake) business associate. He’s a 2-bit conman.

  6. I know this story all to well. Some nightclub guys in Las Vegas introduced me to Max one late night when I was out. Max learned my company was launching a new platform to compete with only fans and was thinking of bringing some help to onboard talent. Max spent some time trying to befriend me and gain my trust. Max seemed likable but, as I later discovered, completely fulla-sht, even though he did try to hook me up with several random girls he thought would impress me whenever we went out. I did not need him to do that. My mistake was agreeing to bring him on for a short while. Max claimed his entertainment relationships could bring some well-known actors on the platform because it was our dream to be more than just a video site for semi-naked influencer girls to make money. You guessed it. No actors or notable talent materialized from Musina. But he was good at claiming expenses for nothing, which we soon stopped. We didn’t need Max’s help to onboard OnlyFans honeys (tho I am sure Max enjoyed his access to speak to these busty girls). Our live video platform sold itself to these honeys when OnlyFans announced some policy changes. Anyways, Max turned out to be a complete waste of our time and money. He over-promised and did not deliver on one thing of value. He did, however, suck up lots of phone time and try to leverage his new relationship with us. Reading these comments, it seems like Massimiliano Musina has upset many people, so I wish him luck. Maybe we were just not a good fit.

    1. omg becky! So sleaze!! Max was bragging about getting shares in a public co like only fans that was gonna make him rich. This sounds like it could be it. The guy behind it that Max had a relationship with was in the newspapers with me-too-type complaints. “Amir Ben-Yohanan, the 48-year-old CEO of Clubhouse Media Group, is accused of mistreating teens as young as 15 while they stayed at the company’s mansions. Several said he was ‘very aggressive’ about setting up dates for his young stars… In just over a year, the company has become a $742 million-dollar business with much of that value believed to have come from people buying up stocks they mistakenly believed were for popular new social media app Clubhouse, which sees invited users share audio files. Clubhouse and CMG have no ties.” Here ya go. Check out the Daily Mail May 8, 2021.

  7. Max is the type of guy who makes all your dreams come true. He can get you funding, he’s got connections with a top producer in Hollywood and even knows what it feels like to be on the red carpet. The one thing Max doesn’t have? Money! Max will tell you that his promises are just as good–if not better than–reality because they’re exciting but also evaporate when faced by reality. All the while he will leach off whatever funds and investor connections you had in your project.

  8. Well that explains a lot. I feel kinda stupid but it’s good to get this of my chest. Max was a fly by night friend who only wanted to be involved with the project because he could use it as an excuse for free trips and access to my actor friends. Max thought my idea for a movie was great and offered his expertise to find funding so the project could go forward. We introduced Max to some of our actors, as well as our main investor who hosted regular trips in Las Vegas that we all attended together. All went wrong when it turned out he wanted nothing more than an opportunity to network with my people and freeload off these excursions with us and I had lost everyone’s trust.

  9. LA’s Max Musina is the kiss of death for your business. He is like an STD. A gift that no one wants but keeps on giving. Any supposed offers for help from Max are not worth the many headaches he will cause you. Expect lots of unforeseen aggravation and countless hours to remedy. Steer clear.

    1. Max Musina relies heavily on using all the “how can I help you” eye flirting techniques he has practiced. Once you get past this distraction, you will soon realize that Musina is completely and utterly useless. Max is all talk and has no business follow thru. His direct negligence cost our project massive delays, needlessly challenging legal conflicts, and lots of time and money to fix. Max was, however, very good at spending money he thought he could charge back to our production.

          1. Ain’t that the truth! Since we’re on sucks harder than stories. Max sucks harder than a mid-thirties housewife getting a hold of George Clooney.

      1. Musina is a deluded Hollywood Grifter type filled with self-importance. As a practical matter, Max has no fundamental business skills. You soooo right. Most of the time, Max is entirely useless, but believes his empty participation will allow him to benefit significantly from other people’s hard work. Musina is a drain on resources and is poison to the culture of your business or project.

        1. Max Musina is the kinda guy that talks too much about business things he imagines to be true. He is a deluded dreamer. What he tells you is little more than just noise or irrelevant gibberish designed to keep himself entertained and feeling important.

          1. If talking bullcrap were an Olympic sport, Puerto Rico’s so-hollywood Max Musina would bring home gold and silver medals.

        2. I wish I had read the comments on this website before trusting Max Musina. Max hitched his wagon to me, and now the project I have worked so hard on is in limbo because it’s not easy for a producer who has never made anything before. He tricked me into thinking I didn’t have enough experience and that he (as Map Group) could help with my project when all that Max Musina knows how to do is talk Hollywood bullshit. What a big mistake I made. Not only have I paid for everything but there aren’t any investors out there ready to back him, and I’m stuck with his name attached to my show. Massimiliano Musina’s latest line is that because he is now a resident of Puerto Rico, that somehow the crypto community that lives there will fall in love with him and his Hollywood promises and invest in him. Musina is delusional.

      2. Max Musina is so bad at doing even simple paperwork that it needs close captioning for others to understand it.

  10. Max's latest scam is some crypto fundraising with some nobody names that are trying to leverage a supposed relationship with Beacon Pictures and one of the producers of Entourage. You can see his SEC filing here yet he can't even pay his American express bill and has a judgement against him for non-payment. If anyone puts money into, well, one fool makes many.

  11. Max Musina is either a con man, conspiring with a con man or just plain stupid in his many gross misrepresentations. Max flew to meet our investment team in Atlanta, Georgia, with a Mr Jonathan Lee Smith. Smith was CEO of tv production companies & HOPLITE, INC.; and HOPLITE ENTERTAINMENT INC; Smith defrauded the company of $2,000,000. It is unclear how much Smith paid Musina to help him with introductions to our investment group. See the link included here to read the lawsuit filed in Atlanta on January 22, 2021.

  12. How do you know your friends in Hollywood? They stab you in the face! Beware. This adage describes Max Musina to-a-T. He is no one’s friend. Don’t be fooled by his fake smile and fake eyebrows. He has a way of making all sorts of professional promises that he knows he can’t keep and worming his way into paperwork. He is notorious for claiming some ownership or fees on a deal that he had nothing to do with other than talking people to sleep with his empty promises. My personal experience with Max Musina was that he was supposed to invest hard money in a deal and bring hard money investors to a project. Max Musina did neither. Later, he claimed ownership and tried to shake me down for money despite all communications clearly stating that he would only participate in equity if he invested or secured investment. He did neither. Instead, he tried the old “we’re friends, bro” to try and get me to give him something for nothing. I’m lucky to be rid of this grifter. Max Musina is the kind of desperate con man that believes his lies and gives Hollywood producers a bad name.

  13. Max is just another hollywood low life. Max presents himself as some kinda producer slash fixer. Max was really good at infiltrating me and my up and coming actor friends by spending time with me as a social endorsement and then using their names to try and further himself as a producer. Max has a way of pretending to be interested in what your working on and he was quick to ask if he could help me with anything. I spent lots of time with him, and he made lots of promises to call so and so. He was all hot air. Max is a time waster and soon talked about my project and my friends projects as his projects. In his head he was now attached as a producer which is sooo everything wrong with the worst LA types have to offer.

  14. In my experience, Max Musina was very good at spending money and trying to claim personal expenses as business expenses and was never able to provide any receipts or information on who he allegedly met to justify these. When pressed Max claimed to be building relationships. What was clear was that Max’s idea of business expenses was taking girls out for meals and socializing with friends. Laughable!

    1. These comments about Maxipad. Wow! Fake people like Massimiliano Musina hate honesty. It’s the lies that keep Max Musina and his ilk feeling good about themselves. He’s a living lie. Background check and see for yourself.

  15. Interestingly, you say that Max "seeks credibility by association and often presents ideas, deals, and experience people have discussed with him as his own." My business partner and I met Max socially and soon found that he did this with us. We had no formal business or employment agreement with Max but soon discovered that he was presenting our deal flow around town as his own and calling himself a partner in our fund. It actually caused us several unneeded conflicts. We nipped it in the bud pretty quick. His attitude was quite childish, really, And we had to make it clear to him and those that Max had approached that he was not a trusted friend or business associate of our firm.

  16. I met Max at several Hollywood parties. As is the norm in LA, people talk movie deals. Most are the usual dreamers, but Max always seemed to be on the phone and was adept at name dropping actors, studios, producers, scripts and budgets to appear legit, so we gave him some time to hear him out. Some of the deals Max brought us sounded interesting. What was less attractive is that Max was not directly involved with any project he wanted to introduce to us but misrepresented himself as a critical player and decision-maker. The truth is that Max was like several steps removed in the introduction chain. A broker to a broker to a broker. I liked Max and wanted to try to help him out. Still, we found it nearly impossible to work with Max because he had unrealistic credit expectations and wanted to get paid out of these deals before funds were even agreed upon for deployment. We did not conclude any film business with him.

  17. Max Musina’s professional resume is indeed purely fictional. How has Beacon Picture’s not done a basic background check? Max falsely claims to be the co-founder of two fast-food companies: Pop! Gourmet Foods and Good Planet Foods.  This is an outright lie and misrepresentation. Musina is not a founder, investor, or named shareholder in either company. No doubt, the Seattle-based CEO of both these companies will confirm this. What is clear is that Musina has grossly misrepresented his professional claims and involvement in these companies. Thank you for posting this. I wish I had read this before wasting a lot of time, aggravation, money, and resources giving Max Musina the benefit of the doubt.

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