Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023

Published 41 Comments on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023
@maxmusina @max_musina Instagram Puerto Rico Los Angeles Due Diligence
diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina

Stories of LA’s Massimiliano Musina trying to grift off other people’s hard work are repeated more often than episodes of Seinfeld.


Today, my feelings about Max Musina are conflicted. I get that everyone wants to present themselves as successful, and it’s not like he was upfront with me from the start, right?

It’s not a lie if you believe it. LOL

Maybe Max believes the lies he tells, or perhaps if they’re repeated often enough, they won’t become a lie anymore. My experience with him most of the time is little more than glorified entertainment, sugar highs, and empty promises, which are deeply destructive. 

Describing what it’s like dealing with Max Musina is like being asked to describe the contents of a porta-potty in exact terms. I may not be able to break it down into specific detail, but I can tell you that whatever is in there is a whole bunch o’ shite.

What do you think? Is this LA wannabe for real or just an act?

One commenter stated that Massimiliano Musina is a lying, conniving fool whose mouth is more open than his mind.

Are these wise words warning about what it is like if you find yourself somehow involved in a deal that Max Musina has tried to insert himself into?

Read more about how Max Musina has faked his professional resume by falsely claiming he attended New York University (NYU)

Another commenter wrote, “if talking bullcrap were an Olympic sport, Puerto Rico’s so-Hollywood Max Musina would bring home gold and silver medals.”

We’re in this together: Fake Charm, Niceness and other cons

If you’ve spent time around Max Musina, you know that he’s read the cliff notes to self-help books like “Tony Robbins” and “The Secret.”

These books have convinced him that if he repeats a fictional mantra often enough, it will eventually become a reality. I think Max Musina is just another LA wannabe who wants to get rich quickly without doing hard work or taking responsibility for his failures by blaming everyone else but himself.

That’s right, a man who has allegedly raised millions of dollars can’t pay his credit card company.

I’ve tried to be unbiased in this blog post, but it’s become clear that Musina is not the most trustworthy guy. He has a default judgment against him from American Express, and he can’t afford his credit card debt. Would you trust Max Musina with your money? 


Musina is not a credible entrepreneur.

Max Musina falsely claims to have founded and raised investments for various companies, but if you ask him to provide any evidence, he will be unable to do so.  

Another commenter wrote, “Max Musina is the kind of guy that talks too much about business things he imagines to be true.

Max Musina is a deluded Hollywood dreamer. He tells you little more than noise or irrelevant gibberish designed to keep himself entertained and feeling important.

All of Max Musina’s fantastic stories are just dinner party talk used for self-aggrandizement or to impress others with his success in business (even though this success never materialized). 

Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) Los Angeles, imdb, puerto rico, @max_musina instagram @maxmusina
Due diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina

Max Musina is confident but lacks any business competence.

It’s time we unmasked the truth behind this LA wannabe who likes telling people how much money he made when many of the stories he tells are unsubstantiated. 

“Max Musina is so bad at doing even simple paperwork that it needs close captioning for others to understand it, ” said another commenter on this blog.

Massimiliano Musina sounds shameless.

Max Musina: A cautionary tale for people who might be taken in by his fake smile and empty offers to help with their project.

Max Musina seeks connected businesspeople in high-profile bars, restaurants, and clubs. Massimiliano Musina’s goal is to seek credibility by association. Max often presents ideas, deals, and experiences that these people have discussed with him as his own. He does not have original thoughts or ideas in his head.

Meet Max Musina, an LA wannabe who has created an entirely fake persona that he uses to hustle unsuspecting investors. Max has no official experience in launching companies, acquisitions, or advisory roles in any industry.

Ask LA’s Max Musina for references for his past work as a PAID interim CEO or advisor, and he will not be able to provide any. 

If you go through and look at public records, you can see no documents that show any evidence for these claims. 

When we called up one of the CEOs from one of the companies Max Musina claimed to be the brainchild behind, we asked point-blank, “did Max ever invest money into your company?” The answer was an unequivocal NO. There were never any shares issued under his name either (though he may have had some rights to them). It seems he is just riding on unfulfilled promises right now- but not much more. 

Max is a fake friend. His goal is to get his mark on the hook and reel him in, all while making friends with them along the way.

At first glance, Max is an LA wannabe who flaunts his professional achievements like their trophies from years of hard work.

Max Musina has no real credentials or qualifications that would make it believable that he was more than just another guy looking for some quick cash. But this only makes it easier for him to find marks without raising too many red flags among those who might be able to see through such a scheme.

Musina is a wannabe LA entrepreneur.

Max Musina pretends he has the success of an elite businessman, but many things don’t add up about his stories.

For one thing, if you look at his LinkedIn profile or read any other posts on this blog, it becomes clear that he doesn’t have any experience in business deals, he claims. And that Max Musina hasn’t ever done anything worth bragging about to make him sound like such a self-proclaimed expert.

Musina and his inexperienced associates have started a new scam to try and raise funds for their television show HODL about cryptocurrency.

They ask people to give them $7,500,000 in unsecured funding via a crypto token. You can decide here if they’re worth it or not. There is no way that anyone in this group would pass even the most cursory due diligence with any investor, so don’t do it!

HODL is an acronym for “hold on for dear life,” which seems fitting considering the company does not seem to have any plan or protections to repay investors or protect investors from mismanagement of funds.

The required SEC filing states that Massimiliano Musina and his associates will be using funds raised from this unsecured crypto token without a clear idea of how they will use it, even though he has no experience with television production. 

It’s hard not to see through the veil when you look at their resume, but we’re still waiting for someone else to call them out because Beacon Pictures isn’t part of the team according to their own SEC filings.  

It is important to remember that with any investment, there are risks. It appears that Max Musina and his team are not using the funds for a tv show; instead, they could be doing anything they want with it. They have no protections to make sure investors get their money back if there is no TV show created by them yet.  

Musina’s professional profile on the Beacon Pictures website is factually untrue.

Does Beacon Pictures even pay Max Musina a salary? At best, it is likely Max Musina has befriended the producers into listing him on their website, hoping it will give him some credibility.

The biography about Max Musina listed on Beacon’s company website states that Max Musina claims to have negotiated and advised sales of several companies worth over 500 million dollars. If you ask Massimiliano Musina to prove this claim, he will talk your ears off and can not produce any financial evidence. 

This LA wannabe needs unmasking – if you’re considering working with him as a consultant, then be aware that he is deliberately trying to mislead you about how successful and experienced he is.

People should not rely on any of the information Max Musina has to say, as he’s too quick to lie and misrepresent his skills to further himself.

Max Musina is not a genius businessperson. He’s an LA wannabe who has read the cliff notes of too many self-help books about making money from business ventures and turned them into lies that have become his mantra – unfulfilled dreams.

The truth is that these are just more empty words coming out of someone with delusional thoughts and nothing else in their lives. If you’re looking for a business partner to help you raise money for your project, don’t be fooled by Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) because it’ll only be a big, expensive waste of your time! 

Max Musina is a bottom feeder with an undeniable habit of shaking others for a payout he once called friends.

Max Musina will try and attach himself to any deal you’re working on to claim credit – like how would-be Hollywood producers might do it.

Another blog reader commented, “The first time I met Max, he was hovering at a buffet, chewing a mouth stuffed fulla food while double fisting shots of sushi in each hand, ready to fire while greedily eyeing the next food tray that passed. Says it all really. Freeloader.”

Max’s neediness knows no bounds. Suppose he ever socializes with someone successful at producing something people care about (a friend!), then the next day.

In that case, they will likely hear from him demanding money or some percentage of whatever value their deal may have generated just because Massimiliano Musina thinks the time he spent with them brought some value to the project.

Max Musina’s professional achievements are as fake as his white teeth, disingenuous smile, and waxed eyebrows.

The LA wannabe, Massimiliano Musina, can imagine considerable monetary value in unproven business ideas without generating a single dollar in sales or investment. 

Beware the man who can’t produce anything but still talks about all the success he plans to have someday. You may want to ask yourself why you’re listening to him. 

LA’s Max Musina is not even an investor. Ask him to provide real evidence of ANY investment in a company, and he will not be able to do so.

Max repeats the lie that he is one because it makes people like him more and more likely to give him money in return for nothing. 

Max Musina has never invested a penny in any business when you press him about his past investment. Unfortunately, many fall victim to Max’s deceitful charade without realizing it until something goes wrong or we feel taken advantage of because we are too trusting. 

You must know who is on your team and what their motives are.

If Max Musina has convinced you to spend time with him (and he will) or if Massimiliano Musina finds a way to insert himself into your deal, it’s best not to get too attached because his intentions may be less than pure. He doesn’t have the skillset for fundraising-he’s just an LA wannabe looking for fame without putting in the work. 

Before you consider bringing Max Musina into your professional and personal circle for your film financing needs, I urge you to reconsider.

Max Musina’s claims about his past successes and the work he says he does are unsupported by facts or reality. You will be lucky if this charlatan can put together a real value deal.  

Don’t let him fool you into thinking anything else. Massimiliano Musina is just looking for an opportunity to steal from hard-working people like yourself who want nothing more than to make their dreams come true of making it big as filmmakers with integrity and talent.

And remember, when someone tells too many lies, they eventually get caught! So don’t waste your time on this snake oil salesman.

It’s not always easy to spot a liar. Still, if you can identify the telltale signs of dishonesty in someone’s behavior and body language–you’ll be able to unmask the truth behind an LA wannabe. Be sure to recognize these red flags when dealing with Max.


Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) is five foot nine and a bit (Imdb) vs (Tinder)
Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) can’t even read a measuring tape, so how does he expect to balance a check book?
@maxmusina @max_musina Instagram Puerto Rico Los Angeles Due Diligence
Max Musina headshot


By Massimiliano Musina Film Producer (Max Musina) Parody

Max Musina (Massimiliano) is a broke Hollywood grifter pushing the limits of gullibility with false professional claims as fake as his teeth + waxed eyebrows.


  1. It’s so easy to clown on this guy and his fictitious business claims. The only successful thing Max Musina owns is a lot of hair products.

  2. Agree with one of the previous comments about Max Musina. Let’s not assume malicious intent when stupidity will do!

  3. The comments on this blog summarize many experiences I encountered when dealing with Massimiliano Musina. The bottom line is if you’re looking for a business partner with no original ideas, no follow thru, and no implementation skills, but will blow a lot of smoke up your ass, then LA’s Max Musina is your guy.

    1. Buyer Beware! Understand that if you are thinking of buying into one of max musina’s opportunities, then you are the opportunity. Run for the hills!

    1. LA’s Max Musina’s airy idea about business is all talk and no doing. Later if you find yourself on the unfortunate end of falling for Musina’s unfulfilled lofty promises and your project gets some traction, Musina will try to credit claim your work as his own. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying to shake you down. He is judgment proof because he has no assets and no regular income, so it lose-lose defend an action that Musina may threaten you with because even when you win, you will never recover your costs. He’s a charlatan and represents everything wrong with the Hollywood types that pretend they want to help you do with your business. Avoid!!

      1. Here’s an amusing spin on the “Yo Mama” jokes… The truth of these comments is uglier than the woman that raised him!

  4. Due know what they say? “How to make a small fortune with Max Musina? Start with a larger one”. Sad truth!

    1. Douchebag dude! This post is spot on. Max Musina tries to make you think he’s your friend. He’s not. He’s dishonest and he’s a taker. Avoid like the plague!

  5. So much merch in deez posts. This Flodginn POS gonna have to wear the jacket for so many false promise and being dishonest sooner or l8r

    1. Chhi-chhi my friend. This Mr Musina is a badmash. A very very badmash. This gora can kiss my chuddies. He time waste an cheap with bucks he offer me to fix his problem. What he asks no easy and he no appreciates me. I no a lawyer but he wants me to be. Show the rupees or i stop clean. Arré!

      1. Tanks Vaibhav. Raj an Sandy say same. This jungli gora no pay either. mean badmash. so we no rise. we no rank. we no repeat. Tell seo in Nyergesújfalu two

      2. Said well my badmash seo friend! How many search teams have looked at this site?? Max Musina tried to waste our time too. Now he must take the small potato with the big potato.

    2. bhag yaha se! i don’t know how describe. it funny feeling I get when I be google search. He no pay me an waste my time 2

  6. Sad. I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to be taken in by Max’s charm. He seems like he wants to be your friend. He’s not. He’s looking to see what value he can get from you. Whether it’s staying on your couch for a few days, borrowing some money to pay some bills because he’s waiting to get paid on a big deal, using you to get close to your well-connected friends, or telling you he can help you get your film financed. Max is a bullsht artist.

    1. Max Musina. He’s so fulla sht. He talks and talks and talks and nothing he says is real once you dig deeper. He just tries to bamboozal people by trying to sell a get rich quick dream and promise of hollywood hob nobbing with the stars.

  7. Max is a career opportunist. Don’t be fooled by his insincere smile and fake concern for your welfare. If you have something of value, beware. He will make investment promises to you that he can’t keep and worm his way into paperwork without contributing a thing.

  8. Max is a ponce. The old saying goes, “with friends like (Max Musina), who needs enemies.” Musina’s idea of a business deal is to take value from someone else’s project without giving any tangible value in return apart from countless hours of hot air—promises of investment, promises of meaningful introductions, guarantees of doing business. Max quickly refers to your business as “our” business. It seems harmless enough. Maybe he is just enthusiastic? In truth, nothing Max says he will do for you comes to fruition, but know this, when you get your project off the ground, no thanks to the time-waster that is Max Musina, he will come knocking on your door demanding his cut. Like one person commented, Max worms his way into paperwork that seems innocent enough at the time and then tries to use this as proof that somehow he has some ownership in what you’re doing when it takes off, even though he did nothing but burn up time on the phone and socialize with you. Max’s desperate actions to get a payoff are all the more confusing and hurtful because he pretended to be your friend.

    1. We have some sayings up here in BC and Max lives up to all of them. He is a real Gorby and a chiseler and a chucklehead. Musina is trying to peddle his nonsense NFT tv investment scam up here toos

  9. Do you know what they say about fast friends? They become fast enemies. Max Musina is not the nice guy he pretends to be. If you like him, I suggest you keep friendship and business separate or find that you will damage your business and no longer be friends.

  10. Fake charm and niceness really does explain how I fell for Max’s bs. Max offered me his expertise in finding funding for my movie so I introduced him to some of the actors who were involved with the project as well as our main investor. Sadly it all went wrong for me. Max’s betrayal led to a series of unfortunate events. After he met my investor, I found out that Max had also worked with the same investor on another project and upset him over money. Had it not been for me introducing them in the first place, they never would have crossed paths!

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