Massimiliano Musina Film Producer 2023 Scams: From LA To Puerto Rico

Published 4 Comments on Massimiliano Musina Film Producer 2023 Scams: From LA To Puerto Rico
@maxmusina @max_musina Instagram Puerto Rico Los Angeles Due Diligence
diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina

Click the links below to learn more about Massimiliano Musina Film Producer.

If you’re conducting due diligence on Massimiliano Musina Film Producer, also known as “Max Musina”, from Malibu, Los Angeles, who has relocated to Puerto Rico, don’t miss out on the wealth of information available on the internet.

Whether you’re an aspiring filmmaker, investor, or just someone curious about his past, these resources will give you a better understanding of the man behind the image.

From articles that expose his past misadventures and questionable business practices to current projects, there’s much to learn about this infamous Hollywood fraudster.

By clicking the links below, you can uncover the truth about Max Musina and his shady dealings, giving you valuable insights to protect yourself from his manipulative tactics.

So, take a moment to explore the articles and videos available and discover the real story behind Massimiliano Musina Film Producer, aka “Max Musina.” Don’t let his smooth talk and slick website fool you – the truth is out there for those who know where to look.

Whether you’re curious about his past misadventures and current projects or want to uncover the truth about this infamous Hollywood fraudster, these resources can provide valuable insights. Don’t miss out on discovering more about Massimiliano Musina Film Producer, and his questionable business practices.

It is recommended that you read the articles you should read if you are conducting due diligence on Massimiliano Musina, also known as “Max Musina”, from Malibu, Los Angeles, but now residing in Puerto Rico.


Massimiliano Musina Film Producer: Any Passing Relationship To The Truth  In Anything Max Musina says is usually entirely accidental. Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina diligence report website
Massimiliano Musina Film Producer: Any Passing Relationship To The Truth In Anything Max Musina says is usually entirely accidental. Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina diligence report website

It’s no surprise that Massimiliano Musina Film Producer and an infamous Hollywood fraudster, have become a parody of himself.

The Massimiliano Musina Film Producer cautionary tale has become a running joke in the industry with his exaggerated claims, fake professional resume, and grifting from Los Angeles to Puerto Rico.

“Do the crime. Earn the screen time,” one commenter quipped. And it’s true – Max has earned his fair share of attention with his shady business practices.

“Max Musina lies like a goose sh*ts. If he’s not doing it, he’s about to,” another commenter joked. And it’s not just a figure of speech – Max’s habit of claiming personal fun as business expenses put anyone associated with him at risk of an IRS audit.

But perhaps the funniest comment of all is this one: “Max Musina is like the idiot stepchild associates keep around to make themselves feel more competent.”

It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to associate themselves with Max, but no doubt he can work his way into people’s lives.

Massimiliano Musina Film Producer, is a copycat who takes credit for other people’s ideas as if they were his own, and his brain is void of any original thoughts.

“It’s so easy to clown on this guy and his fictitious business claims,” one commenter wrote. And it’s true – Max’s claims of seven-figure business values and TV shows funded by crypto tokens are smoke and mirrors.

“The only successful thing Max Musina owns is a lot of hair products,” another commenter joked. And it’s hard to argue with that – Max’s well-coiffed hair seems to be his most noteworthy feature.

But despite all the jokes and ridicule, it’s important to remember that Max Musina is a dangerous con artist. “He’s a lazy, good-for-nothing career opportunist that has never achieved anything without doing someone over,” one commenter warned.

And it’s true – Massimiliano Musina Film Producer has a track record of grifting off others’ hard work is repeated more often than episodes of Seinfeld.

So if you ever find yourself in Max Musina’s orbit, be wary. “We have all had toxic people dust us with their poison. Sometimes it’s more like a drenching,” one commenter wrote. And with Max, it’s more like a drenching.

Don’t be fooled by his fake charm and motivational speeches – he’s more interested in scheming than helping others achieve their dreams.

The Massimiliano Musina Film Producer cautionary tale is a lesson in what not to do in business. It serves as a reminder always to be wary of those who seem too good to be true.

max musina massimiliano maxmusina com mapgroup linkedin images005
LA Wannabe Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina diligence report website
To learn more about Massimiliano click the links below. 

It is recommended that you read the articles that you should read if you are conducting due diligence on Massimiliano Musina, also known as "Max Musina" from Malibu Los Angeles but now residing in Puerto Rico.
diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina
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massimiliano musina (max musina) map group imdb number one bullsh*t guy
massimiliano musina (max musina) map group imdb
massimiliano musina (max musina) map group imdb as useless as the G in lasagna
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massimiliano musina (max musina) map group imdb so clever he thinks he has ESPN
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@maxmusina @max_musina Instagram Puerto Rico Los Angeles Due Diligence
diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina
@maxmusina @max_musina Instagram Puerto Rico Los Angeles Due Diligence
Max Musina Massimiliano Map Group Puerto Rico Los Angeles
max musina massimiliano maxmusina com
Max Musina – A cluttered mind..
max musina massimiliano maxmusina com INVESTOR DOLLARS AT WORK
Max Massimiliano Musina LIFE’S A BEACH
Max Musina Rental Home, Rincón Puerto Rico
Max Musina – Hard at work? More like hardly working
max musina massimiliano maxmusina com INVESTOR DOLLARS AT WORK 1
Max Musina – Letting Investor Dollars do the Hard
Max Musina – Working on his next billion dollar idea
max musina twitter
Stories of LA’s Max Musina trying to grift off other people’s hard work are repeated more often than episodes of Seinfeld.
max musina fake as his teeth
LA’s Max Musina’s claims are as fake as his white teeth, smile and waxed eyebrows.
max musina as useful as 1
LA’s Max Musina. As useful as a glass hammer.
max musina smart enough to be stupid
LA’s Max Musina is just smart enough to be stupid.

By Massimiliano Musina Film Producer (Max Musina) Parody

Max Musina (Massimiliano) is a broke Hollywood grifter pushing the limits of gullibility with false professional claims as fake as his teeth + waxed eyebrows.


  1. Describing my experience dealing with Max Musina is like being asked to describe the contents of a porta-potty in exact terms. I may not be able to break it down into specific detail, but I can tell you that whatever is in there is a whole bunch o’ shite.

  2. Douche may not be the right word to describe Max Musina. What I do know is that Max is a douche that likes to pretend he cares. I suppose you use the word douche because it’s an apt description for Max and all he does. His charm and friendliness are just that, a show to make you feel warm and fuzzy, like you’re his best friend or something more intimate. He attaches himself to projects with lofty promises and does nothing to advance them other than talk. Max will end up costing you a lot in lost time and money. Watch out for these signs before you consider bringing Max on your team!

  3. Max seems like a douche nozzle convinced of his own self importance and hoping he can convince others too.

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