Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film

Max Musina Comments: Reads like “Max Musina thought of the day.”

This page features “Max Musina comments.” 

Here contributors confirm Massimiliano Musina’s false professional claims are as fake as his teeth and waxed eyebrows.

However, it is essential to note that Max Musina and Map Group are not affiliated with the comments or views expressed on this blog. This blog aims to provide original source material to assist others with due diligence. The disclaimer continued at the bottom of the page.

Highlights from top reader comments read like, Max Musina thought of the day.

Let’s give Mr Musina a hint at who is reading and commenting on the site. Read what others have said and post your comment too. 

The best usernames are often a play on the town’s name from where you comment. Privacy data is assured.

Max Musina comments expose false professional claims and lack of affiliation with Map Group. Top reader comments featured as Max Musina thought of the day.
Max Musina Comments: Hollywood’s Massimiliano Musina IMDb claims of being 6-foot tall are as fake as his waxed eyebrows


  • Frankie De Luca on Max Musina’s Adult Content Penny Stock Scandal: “Max and Amir—the dynamic duo of disaster! One pretends to make movies, the other pretends to sell dreams, but in the end, all they leave their clubhouse media group investors a big plate of niente!August 31, 2024
  • Vinnie Moretti on Max Musina’s Adult Content Penny Stock Scandal: “Ah, Clubhouse Media Group—where ‘content creation’ is just code for ‘we outta ideas, so let’s find some girls to take off some clothes and call it innovation!August 9, 2024
  • Tony Falcone on Max Musina’s Adult Content Penny Stock Scandal: “Massimiliano Musina, this guy who turns pennies into problems and stock prices into spaghetti—it’s always tangled up and al dente, but never quite cooked right!July 28, 2024
  • Gio Carbone on Max Musina’s Adult Content Penny Stock Scandal: “Ah, Max Musina, the maestro of trashy stocks and trashier content—he’s-a like da Fellini of financial flops! Bravo, Max, keep-a making those masterpieces… of mediocrity!July 25, 2024
  • Sal Tessio on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Beware-ah of Musina’s so-called ‘LOIs’—fahncy-soundin’, worthless-a documents drafted by a buddy to waste-ah your time: no deals, no money, just-a headache! If-a you don’t pity-pay him off, his sleazy lawyer will make-ah you wish-ah you had to end-ah da nightmare.July 22, 2024
  • Fred Vincent on Max Musina’s Adult Content Penny Stock Scandal: “hahaha this sounds so much like Max Musina. He has no real experience launching businesses. He takes endless meetings about meetings that he calls “work.” He will then claim you’re ‘partners’ in your business and try to shake you down for payment.July 6, 2024
  • PSA on Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022: “the level of c*ntishness from Max is astounding. This guy will steal from you, lie to you, and then sue you and claim your hard work as his own. He’s suing my friend in the UK. He showed me some of the papers. Max has a scummy lawyer who’s an expert in confusing the court in Los Angeles and it’s bonkers what the court has allowed him to claim and so far gotten away with. whatever moral compass Musina claims to believe to try and gain your trust is just for show. He has no scruples. Don’t make the same mistake my friend did by thinking Max was his friend. He’s a thief. Keep clear!July 3, 2024
  • Breaking News on Smoke and Mirrors: The Max Musina Charade: “If Massimiliano were a superhero, his superpower would be the ability to convince you he knows what he’s doing, even as the building collapses around him.May 23, 2024
  • LA Law on Max Musina Hollywood Mirage: “Rumor has it Max’s favorite hobby is playing ‘Pin the Tail on the False Credentials.’ Spoiler alert: he always wins.May 12, 2024
  • KYC Know Your Client on Max Musina: The Bottom Feeder That Thinks He’s a Leader: “Max Musina’s professional motto: ‘Fake it till you make it, or until someone Googles you.”April 20, 2024
  • Are We There Yet? on Max Musina: The Bottom Feeder That Thinks He’s a Leader: “When Max talks about his accomplishments, it’s like listening to a GPS with a broken compass – you’ll end up lost and wondering how you got there!March 4, 2024
  • LinkedIn Larry on Max Musina: The Bottom Feeder That Thinks He’s a Leader: “Max’s IMDB and LinkedIn profiles read like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, except every path leads to disappointment.February 13, 2024
  • Frankly Speaking on Max Musina: The Bottom Feeder That Thinks He’s a Leader: “If Max Musina ever wrote a book, it would be titled ‘The Art of Faking It Until You’re Found Out.”January 31, 2024
  • Nashville's Levina Negri on Max Musina Photos 2024 – Discover Wannabe Film Producer: “I am a big time scammer and I always team up with Max. I pretend I used to work at BBC and you can meet me at MIPCOM.January 22, 2024
  • Grimmwood on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max Musina: from ‘Once upon a time’ to ‘Once upon a no-way’! His resume’s a fairytale – too bad it’s more Grimm than Disney!January 15, 2024
  • Smug Shots 2 on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max Musina’s IMDb pics scream ‘Netflix star’, but the truth is, he’s just a new subscriber!January 9, 2024
  • Cindy on Max Musina Funny Comments: IMDb Highlights 2022: “Max Musina, the ‘Couch-Surfing Casanova.’ Couch-surfing: Level Expert!October 31, 2023
  • Not So Useful Idiot on Massimiliano Musina IMDb 2023: The Walking Debt: “Wow! You said that this guy has no original thoughts. Spot on! Max Musina takes what other people say and passes it off as his own.October 26, 2023
  • Scam Producer Credits on Smoke and Mirrors: The Max Musina Charade: “Max Musina talks in telephone number deals, but his math skills are missing digits!October 20, 2023
  • Grifter Express on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max Musina turns ‘Once upon a time’ into ‘Never in a lifetime.’ More Grimm than Fairytale!October 12, 2023
  • Level This on Max Musina Hollywood Mirage: “Watch who you mingle with; Max Musina’s the type to drag you down just to use you as a stepping stone to level up.October 9, 2023
  • Maximum Effort on Max Musina Funny Comments: IMDb Highlights 2022: “Max Musina’s career path: From ‘Real Stories to Real Exaggeration’. He has a knack for attaching himself to other people’s projects without adding the value he promised, one fib at a time.October 5, 2023
  • Abracadabra on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max Musina’s IMDB bio reads like a fairy tale: ‘Endorsed for daydreaming & imaginary investing.’ Epic!October 2, 2023
  • Club Clueless on Max Musina: The Bottom Feeder That Thinks He’s a Leader: “Max Musina’s ‘exclusive’ investment club is so VIP, even he can’t get in. It’s like a speakeasy for success — nobody knows the password, especially not Max.September 29, 2023
  • Boston Captain on Max Musina: The Bottom Feeder That Thinks He’s a Leader: “Massimiliano Musina is the type of predatory friend with a price tag; you’ll end up paying more in money and aggravation than you bargained for.September 19, 2023
  • CryptoNoCash on Smoke and Mirrors: The Max Musina Charade: “Max Musina’s secret sauce? Turning invisible funds into visible fails. Now that’s magic! ✨August 22, 2023
  • Name Drop Pop-In on Smoke and Mirrors: The Max Musina Charade: “Max Musina’s LinkedIn be like: ‘Endorsed for daydreaming & imaginary investing.’ Legend! 💼🚀August 19, 2023
  • Monopoly Mogul on Smoke and Mirrors: The Max Musina Charade: “Brb, trying to sell my imaginary six-figure idea to anyone who’ll listen. Oh, and Max? If you ever need a partner for the next ‘almost made it’ scheme, hit me up! 😜🚀August 12, 2023
  • Flick Fiasco on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max Musina is like the Houdini of Hollywood, except when Houdini disappeared, people missed him. .August 9, 2023
  • Maxed Out on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max, buddy, when they said ‘Action!’, it’s usually for the actors, not for you to jump in and play ‘Catch Me If You Can’ with other people’s money!August 3, 2023
  • Mad Mike 🎤 on The Triumph Story: Max Musina’s Hollywood Latest Deceptions: “Max’s film ‘Triumph’ hasn’t seen the light of day for eight years, man! Eight! The brother messed up the paperwork so badly, his partners were left holding the check like it was a hot potato and won’t have anything to do with him. Even a sloth’s looking at him like, ‘Man, get your act together, Max!’July 30, 2023
  • SmugShot Max on Max Musina Photos 2024 – Discover Wannabe Film Producer: “Max Musina’s photos on IMDb may look like he’s just signed a Netflix deal, but really he just signed up for Netflix!June 5, 2023
  • Max Illusi-Nah on Max Musina Video 2023: Fun Pen-De-Jo IMDb Film Producer Meme: “Max Musina – turning ‘Once upon a time’ into ‘Never in a lifetime.’ His resume reads like a fairytale, but it’s ‘Grimm,’ and there’s no happy ending!June 2, 2023
  • Stop Noodle-ing Around on Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022: “What a dumb thing to do! Max, your fortune cookie says: ‘Aim for authenticity.'”May 31, 2023
  • Wonton Misbehaviour on Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022: “Wow, Max Musina’s fake film conference is turning Hollywood into Hollywouldn’t!May 16, 2023
  • Delusional Dollar Max on Max Musina Video 2023: Fun Pen-De-Jo IMDb Film Producer Meme: “If delusions were dollars, Max Musina would be a billionaire! His biggest achievement? Convincing people, he’s an up-and-comer while he’s just stuck in the basement!April 20, 2023
  • Kendall Flow on Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022: “Max Musina’s faking skills are like my diet plans. Lots of promises, zero results. His script is a worthy takeaway, but not Hollywood material!April 2, 2023
  • Juicy Justice on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Lol! Your right! Like many narcissists, Max Musina imitates confidence that exceeds his actual ability.March 23, 2023
  • Tell The Truth on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “It makes me so mad when I think about how much time and energy and aggravation this Musina guy caused me. Max has got a forked tongue and lies like a rug!March 17, 2023
  • Cottage Groove on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Actions speak louder than false confidence. Don’t trust this Max Musina guy!March 3, 2023
  • PGA Membero on Max Musina’s Fake Film Industry Conference Scam: WFICS 2022: “So wong but so wite!!! You are whiting wongs alwite! hahahahahaFebruary 4, 2023
  • Toppen Zee Dish on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “First hand experience. Ughh! “Max Musina’s habit of claiming personal fun as business expenses puts anyone associated with him at risk of an IRS audit”February 3, 2023
  • Arcata Union 💨 on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Do the crime. Earn the screen time. Max, there is no smoke without fire.January 25, 2023
  • Cbus Cap on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Max Musina lies like a goose sh*ts. If he’s not doing it, he’s about to.January 23, 2023
  • Juan Two Three Four 🇵🇷 on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Max Musina is like the idiot stepchild associates keep around to make themselves feel more competent.January 20, 2023
  • Kolkata Purba on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Max Musina, the ultimate dream-dasher and self-proclaimed life coach. LOLJanuary 16, 2023
  • Gimme Wymore on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “You’re right. Max Musina has embellished his resume to the point that we don’t know if anything he claims is true. Despite his claims he hasn’t founded or funded any businesses!January 10, 2023
  • Columbus on Meet the Muppet Show’s Sad Max Musina: All Foam, No Beer 2024: “Max Musina is a copycat who takes credit for other people’s ideas as if they were his own, and his brain is void of any original thoughts.January 6, 2023
  • Simón Can on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “It’s so easy to clown on this guy and his fictitious business claims. The only successful thing Max Musina owns is a lot of hair products.January 2, 2023
  • Caze Dazey Dero on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Have you googled Max Musina recently? The new fluff he’s promoted online is designed to feed his 5-foot-9-and-bit ego 🤣December 30, 2022
  • Sharon Says on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Being a broker to deals doesn’t make Max dishonest, but pretending to be an owner in the businesses he tries to worm his way into does.December 29, 2022
  • Lulu 🏴 on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Max Musina doesn’t own anything other than fake watches and a car lease paid for by his PPP loan.December 28, 2022
  • Cackalaca Green on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Max Musina talks in telephone number business deals but can’t even count to eight, so maybe he doesn’t understand the difference between six-figure and seven-figure business deals.December 26, 2022
  • Quincy on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Welcome to America where the biggest criminals get rewarded with TV interviews and filing a lawsuit is just a way to settle a disagreement. Google Max Musina. We have all had toxic people dust us with their poison. Sometimes it’s more like a drenching. He’s a lazy, good-for-nothing career opportunist that has never achieved anything without doing someone over. He’s bad news!December 23, 2022
  • Sal from the Valley on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “I completely agree with these comments and wanted to share my own similar observations. Max Musina is a self-proclaimed self-help guru wannabe who loves spouting off all the motivational crap he learned from watching Tony Robbins videos on YouTube. He’s always trying to use these fake NLP lines on anyone he meets, giving them a creepy blue-eyed stare and a phony smile as he asks, ‘What’s your dream? How can I help you make it happen?’ But don’t be fooled – all the rumors about this guy’s sneaky schemes are true. Max is more interested in scheming and charming his way to the top than actually helping anyone achieve their dreams.December 21, 2022
  • 29 Palms on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina is the kind of guy that thinks the quickest way to make millions is by filing a lawsuit against a wealthy person. BEWARE!December 20, 2022
  • Hamilton 🇧🇲 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “This is funny. I bet Max Musina is the kinda guy that communicates his business enthusiasm with rocket 🚀 emojis to the moon 🌙December 18, 2022
  • Kirk's Land on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina hopes to hypnotize people with his plunging V-necks and hairy cleavage. Fortunately, Max’s stupidity is as unmistakable as his D-cups in a wet bikini contest.December 16, 2022
  • Caty Danbury on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina is more fulla crap than a toilet on Cinco de Mayo!December 14, 2022
  • PGA Membero on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Hello, I am Hollywood insider and PGA member, I am writing to you privately to express my opinion. Please contact me. I find information question about a recent press release names Max Musina as a speaker or organizer for something calling itself “The First World Film Industry Conference and Global Film Producers Forum.” It is fake. The contact number is for La La Noodle Chinese Restaurant and the office address it give is for SAG-Aftra. The wfics organization no exist. Obvious lie. So Stupido!December 12, 2022
  • Ma Sharon on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina is an insufferable grifter 🤢December 6, 2022
  • Ring the Bellingham Bell on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Errgh this guy! Max Musina must be smelling his own farts if you think he believes the pie-in-the-sky telephone number business claims he tells people.November 30, 2022
  • Lancaster Truth Bomber on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina is the kind of guy that is always a day late and a dollar short.November 28, 2022
  • San Toni Yo! on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Bird brain Max Musina 🤣🤣🤣 wow! You should be doing stand up at the Laugh Factory on Sunset ⭐️November 25, 2022
  • Aida Muñiz 🇵🇷 on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “He’s a fast-talking time wasterNovember 23, 2022
  • Tami Ami ☀️ on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Agree with one of the previous comments about Max Musina. Let’s not assume malicious intent when stupidity will do!November 22, 2022
  • Heppner Morrow on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “These comments!! How many people has Max made a fool of? Shameful behavior from someone who pretends to care. Reading these comments, he’s just another Hollywood opportunist trying to make a fast buck off of others hard workNovember 21, 2022
  • Othello Adams on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “O, who hath done this deed? These stories about Max Musina make me wanna puke 🤮November 17, 2022
  • South Lake ❄️ on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Max Musina is so useless that he couldn’t hit water even if he fell out of a boat!November 16, 2022
  • Vegan Cheez on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “You’re so right @Annie. Max Musina is as deep as a puddle. He pretends to be all spiritual and that, but only when it suits him – Max’s moral compass shifts like the tide.November 14, 2022
  • Gerlach Black Rock on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Wowzers! I didn’t get stuck with a 2k restaurant tab, but Max has mooched off me countless times. Whenever we would meet, Max would order enough food to feed a small army, load up a $30 protein shake at Erewhon with all the extras, and get me to pay for it because there was a ‘fraud’ alert on his credit card. Haha! Yeah right! At the time, we were friendly, so I let it go. Looking back, I paid for him as often as I would pay if I were taking a date out for dinner. Lol. Maybe that’s what Max had in mind? Anyways it took me a while to cut him from my social circle, and it’s no great loss, I assure you. You’re right. Max Musina is a freeloader.November 12, 2022
  • Oscar Oscado on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “🤣🤣🤣November 11, 2022
  • Caza Dero on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Here’s an amusing spin on the “Yo Mama” jokes… The truth of these comments is uglier than the woman that raised him!November 9, 2022
  • Idaho Plummer 💦 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “If you’re thinking of buying into any of Max Musina’s inflated business schemes, understand that you’re not learning about the opportunity, you are the opportunity.November 7, 2022
  • Riverside Capital on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “So good to see that people have taken the time to expose this charlatan. Max Musina is a user. I get that people look out for themselves first, but this guy will say and do anything to try and get close to you and profit from your hard work and network. When it all goes pear-shaped, and Max Musina is shown to be dishonest, as was my experience, Max pleads ignorance or tries to gaslight you into thinking you’re imagining things and that he didn’t do anything wrong. He most definitely did! UghhhNovember 4, 2022
  • Spokane 🎥 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “🤣November 2, 2022
  • Plymouth Charter on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Sorry, you had this experience. Max Musina is the kind of guy that pretends to be your friend. In reality, Max is not your friend. Instead, he’s just looking for ways to get in your pocket, get into your business, or leech off of your lifestyle. In other words, Max is consciously looking for ways to exploit you.October 31, 2022
  • Vashburn H8 🇺🇸 on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Lol, this is funny! It’s incredible how many people have had similar negative freeloader experiences dealing with Max Musina!October 29, 2022
  • Shiz for Brains on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “SAD MAX Musina is a bird brain that thinks every convo is a ten-milli-dollar biz idea that you owe him halfOctober 28, 2022
  • Fax Max on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “LA’s Max Musina is the human equivalent of a participation award. He thinks he adds value and deserves to get paid just for showing up to meet you for a drink. If you think he’s working with you, you will eventually find out that he won’t add any value apart from telling you what a great idea “we” have. Inviting Max to do business with you is asking for problems.October 20, 2022
  • Sonipat & Ponipat SEO 🇮🇳 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Yes we tryna do it. He been pay us to hide this page from search @raj message meOctober 15, 2022
  • Chandigarh SEO 🇮🇳 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Mudachada! @raj was riteOctober 14, 2022
  • Max Facts on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Massimiliano Musina talks more and does less. Max Musina rarely sees anything thru to completion but is excellent at offering uninformed enthusiasm for how he can help you with your project until he realizes how much work is necessary to do the job. Max Musina’s get-rich-quick schemes for how he can help you with your project may sound exciting, but getting Max Musina to do any real work is hard. If and when your project takes off, no thanks to Max, you can be sure he will come knocking on your door to claim imaginary fees owed to him, so steer clear of Max Musina and the future aggravation you can be sure he will visit upon you.October 12, 2022
  • League City 🧲 TX on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Malibu’s Massimiliano Musina (or Max Musina) called) is a low-life bottom feeder. He brings nothing to the table other than hot air, empty promises that he can’t fulfill, and a disingenuous pretense of friendship. September 28, 2022
  • Fact Check Dis on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “According to industry insiders, Max Musina’s film biography is a pack of lies and exaggerations. For instance, it is alleged that Max Musina stole the “Produced by” film credit to try and make himself look like a real producer. He is not. Most of the TRIUMPH movie was produced in Nashville in 2015 without ANY involvement from Musina. In fact, Musina’s first involvement with the Triumph movie was not until February 2019 and limited to helping organize five new shoot days of B-roll and pickup shots in California to complete the film. The scope of work hardly warranted more than a miscellaneous film credit, but Musina conned his way to make his role appear more important than it was. And removing Musina’s executive producer credit for non-performance after the movie had wrapped proved to be more hassle than it was worth. Also, Max had zero involvement in getting RJ nominated for the Ruderman award.September 23, 2022
  • Maxicon Whistleblower on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Some people now refer to Max Musina as “Maxicon”. clearly for good reason.September 22, 2022
  • Fortuitous Worth 🤠 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Are you kidding? I was as shocked to read this 💩 about Max Musina as I was to hear that Leonardo DiCaprio came out as being straight 🤪🤣September 21, 2022
  • Eureka 🌱💨 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Max Musina is a gray sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake. Avoid!September 19, 2022
  • Tashkent Uzi 🇺🇿 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “We have a saying about people like Max Musina, He’s all foam and no beer.”September 17, 2022
  • Virginia Ash on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Lfmao! Max Musina is all wax and no wick!September 15, 2022
  • Singapore Sling 🇸🇬 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Let’s not assume corruption when stupidity will do in describing the experiences of those that may have worked with mad, I mean sad, Max MusinaSeptember 9, 2022
  • Flash Burn VA on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Massimiliano “Max” Musina claims to be an “award winning” film producer. “Award losing” film producer is more accurate lolSeptember 5, 2022
  • Mojave Needles on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “I think that a ‘dildo’ is a reasonable description of Max Musina. I’d call him a d*ck but he’s not real enough!August 29, 2022
  • Portola Music on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “I’m not a proctologist but I know (Max Musina) an assh*le when I read about oneAugust 28, 2022
  • Benewah Plummer on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “I’ve met a lotta pricks in my time, but Max Musina is an effing cactus!August 27, 2022
  • De Pere on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Brah! 😂💩😂August 26, 2022
  • Castaic Film Producer on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Wise words and sadly all too true. Max is not the friend he pretends to be. He’s all about what he can get out of people he targets and befriendsAugust 25, 2022
  • Muskegon Hume on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “The last time I saw something like Massimiliano “Max” Musina (and the crap that comes outta his mouth), I flushed it!August 24, 2022
  • Glenda Legal on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “This guy Max is so fake even Ken and Barbie are jealousAugust 23, 2022
  • Tino Rice 💁💋💄💅🌈 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “but at least he does have nice eyebrows. Massimiliano Musina, a credit to his wax workerAugust 21, 2022
  • Freeloading in Vegas on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Quit while you’re ahead Max. All the best gamblers do.August 20, 2022
  • Occidental Bacolod SEO 🇵🇭 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “@jeanius davao Susmaryosep! Sip-sip kasi siya!August 19, 2022
  • Uganda SEO 🇺🇬 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Yes. Thank you for say. We do cheap seo for you here in Kampala. Find us on Fiverr like KC and our Bacolod friends in the Philippines. The hunter in pursuit of an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds. Siiba bulungi!August 18, 2022
  • Miami Crypto on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “In a world of thieves like Massimiliano “Max” Musina, the only sin is stupidityAugust 16, 2022
  • Nizam KRN 🇮🇳 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “uck you Raji! Seo 4 Max I say muderchod you!August 15, 2022
  • Vegas Fong 🤑 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Musina has hired an SEO team to clean up his online image. No doubt Max has promised them something he won’t deliver on if they just do this one thing for him. His new website claims working with Max offers “life-changing moments…sharing the little things that make a big difference.” The consensus here is that he couldn’t be more right. Working with Max and the little things he did was as life-changing as getting cancer. Painful, expensive, and so not what you ever expected to have to waste your time on.August 13, 2022
  • Melbourne Mark 🇦🇺 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Why have you messaged here? Be more discreet aking kaibigan!August 11, 2022
  • jeanius davao 🇵🇭 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Hello sir, we do better pages on YouTube and Vimeo and Wordpress and seo for massimiliano “max” Musina to try n hide your site and make him look like an honest professional. I read some people say he a puto but what you think we do a good job all the way in the Philippines? Contact us if you want us to help you promote these pages better. We do good price August 10, 2022
  • So Su Mi 🇨🇳 我认识苏蜜 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max makes trouble 4 me. There was no golden globals. I lose money and deal with climinal bullsh*t. He plus his friend no good people. They just take, no give. 麦克斯给我找麻烦。 中国没有金球奖的生意。 我赔钱并处理犯罪废话*t。 他和他的朋友都不是好人。 他们只是从我和我的投资者那里拿钱,除了问题之外不回报任何东西。July 27, 2022
  • Tam Boo Tavern 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max, Eres tan patético, que resultas entrañableJuly 22, 2022
  • CrossFit Taco 🇲🇽 on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “What a putito! Pinche puto cabrónJuly 18, 2022
  • Gurgaon Tek 🇮🇳 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “This muderchod harami! Seo Raj right. Max no pay. He time waste us. Greetings from the Kingdom of DreamsJuly 16, 2022
  • Juan Bautista 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “These Maxipad comments! Whatta pinche p3rra!July 12, 2022
  • Dee's Ocean View on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “omg this the hollyweird guy we were talkin 2. Max is financially motivated to lie to us about his solvencyJuly 11, 2022
  • NFT’s R Us 🚀🌕 on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Guys, trust me! This HODL crypto is different. Lol. If you say so MaxJuly 10, 2022
  • Miami Boyz on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Max Musina starring in “The Walking Debt” 🤡July 9, 2022
  • Kentucky Fried Louisville 🇺🇸 on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Trying to do business with Max Musina is as rewarding as getting a cancer diagnosis. Not good!July 7, 2022
  • Elano 🇵🇷 on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “These comments don’t just make Max Musina look stupid – hell, Max can generally be relied on to do that all by himself. Just check out his fake LinkedIn resume and exaggerated IMDb biography. Any passing relationship to the truth in anything Max Musina says is usually entirely accidental.July 5, 2022
  • Board Man 🏳️‍🌈 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Small beans! WhataputitoJuly 4, 2022
  • Palabras sucias 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “He’s a dirty lying cheating coñ0!July 3, 2022
  • Les Grosman ✌️ on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Producer: I couldn’t have done it without you, Max. Max Musina: Really? Producer: No, d1ckhead. Of course I could. A nutless monkey could do your job. Now, go get drunk and take credit at all the parties.July 2, 2022
  • Nine Juan Juan 🇵🇷 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “chinga tu madre! Max Musina Number one bullsht guy!July 1, 2022
  • Pinche Cabr0n 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Whata pend3jo!June 30, 2022
  • Atrapar a un ladrón 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “pinche cabr0n max musina!June 29, 2022
  • Santa Clara Diet on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “👏🏽June 28, 2022
  • Camel Toa Alta 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “😂😂😂June 27, 2022
  • Hun Ting Ton on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Buyer Beware! Understand that if you are thinking of buying into one of max musina’s opportunities, then you are the opportunity. Run for the hills!June 22, 2022
  • Holly Vood on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “The comments on this blog summarize many experiences I encountered when dealing with Massimiliano Musina. The bottom line is if you’re looking for a business partner with no original ideas, no follow thru, and no implementation skills, but will blow a lot of smoke up your ass, then LA’s Max Musina is your guy.June 18, 2022
  • Sht Talkin on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “@maxmusina Is your ass jealous of the amount of sht that comes outta your mouth?June 17, 2022
  • Ven Lo 🌷🇳🇱 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Light travels faster than sound, which is why Max Musina seemed bright until he opened his mouthJune 16, 2022
  • Irv Vine on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “LA’s Max Musina should be ashamed of who he is. That’s his parents’ jobJune 15, 2022
  • Trashy Tash on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “I thought of Max Musina today. It reminded me to take out the trash.June 14, 2022
  • Destiny on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina’s birth certificate should be an apology letter from the condom factory! How does he sleep straight at night?June 12, 2022
  • Augusta on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “LA’s Max Musina’s airy idea about business is all talk and no doing. Later if you find yourself on the unfortunate end of falling for Musina’s unfulfilled lofty promises and your project gets some traction, Musina will try to credit claim your work as his own. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying to shake you down. He is judgment proof because he has no assets and no regular income, so it lose-lose defend an action that Musina may threaten you with because even when you win, you will never recover your costs. He’s a charlatan and represents everything wrong with the Hollywood types that pretend they want to help you do with your business. Avoid!!June 11, 2022
  • O’Tigard on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “If so-Hollywood stereotype Max Musina had a head filled with dynamite there would not be enough to blow his hat offJune 9, 2022
  • Antonio Milano 🇮🇹 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “I may love to shop, but I will never buy the bull coming out of Max Musina’s mouth! Massimiliano “Max” Musina è davvero il numero uno delle cazzate! June 8, 2022
  • Latsi Yo! on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Che cazzo?!June 4, 2022
  • Vero Na on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Che due palle! Cretino Max!June 2, 2022
  • Cotton Wood on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Massimiliano Musina. As fake as his waxed eyebrows! Wow! Comedic truth!June 1, 2022
  • Deniz from Istanbul 🇹🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Many a true word spoken in jest!May 31, 2022
  • Run For The Forest Hills on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Facts are stubborn things 🤔May 29, 2022
  • Nob Hill Portland on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “You so right💯May 28, 2022
  • Bull in a China Shop 🇹🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “These comments. Wow! In my country we say, “Sende sike sürülecek akıl yok”. It means that you (Max Musina) don’t have enough brainpower to rub on a pen1s. Think on that 😂May 26, 2022
  • Mary Ellicott on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “What a piece of garbage!!May 24, 2022
  • Ana Heim on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Max Musina thinks he’s so clever… it’s like he has E.S.P.N. or something 😂😂😂May 22, 2022
  • NASCAR Charlotte on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “I dunno how people like Max can fake whole relationships… I can’t even fake a hello to somebody I don’t like!May 21, 2022
  • Yedi tepeli şehir 🇹🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “In our country, we say, “Bir ölümün bir de kaybolan güvenin telafisi yok bu dünyada.” It means “There is no compensation for either death or lost trust in this world.” Reading the info on this blog, I couldn’t agree more. Massimiliano “Max” Musina seems to have upset many people, and as the Americans say, “the chickens have come home to roost.”May 20, 2022
  • Nassau Nate on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “hey, dis ting go with sense. Skip the bumbaclut Max Musina and save your moneyMay 19, 2022
  • Lu Lea 🇸🇪 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “fake charm too! 🤮May 18, 2022
  • Bounty Full UT on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Max Musina is as useless as a knitted condom!May 17, 2022
  • Chinese Whispers on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Massimiliano is as useless as the G in Lasagna.May 15, 2022
  • Forking Fake on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Fake eye brows. Fake teeth. Fake smile. Fake flex. Fake friend. Fake relationships. Massimiliano Musina (Max) is a fake Italian noodle. An impasta.May 14, 2022
  • Mali Boo on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Truths from the Bu! Max is a social climber that’s all talk and no actionMay 13, 2022
  • Connect 4 on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Connect the dots 💩May 12, 2022
  • Parsip Pany on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “💯May 11, 2022
  • Cooper on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Well said!May 10, 2022
  • Honest Fool on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “These comments about Maxipad. Wow! Fake people like Massimiliano Musina hate honesty. It’s the lies that keep Max Musina and his ilk feeling good about themselves. He’s a living lie. Background check and see for yourself.May 8, 2022
  • Columbia Falls on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Douchebag dude! This post is spot on. Max Musina tries to make you think he’s your friend. He’s not. He’s dishonest and he’s a taker. Avoid like the plague!May 7, 2022
  • Houston, We Have A Problem on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Some words of advice are always to hire someone with a higher IQ than you to make some money. Max Musina is not that guy.May 4, 2022
  • Know Bergen on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Dozens of red flags, such as numerous professional misrepresentations, non-existent university qualifications, questionable business practices, and history of non-performance, make LA’s Massimiliano “Max’ Musina a certified fraud.May 3, 2022
  • Saugus Sachems on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Max Musina is a cross between a B player (at best) and a brilliant jerk. My experience in dealing with him is that he is overly reliant on fake charm and has a reputation for wreaking havoc on projects he has attached himself to by befriending the creators. Anyone that has worked with him will tell you that he is enthusiastic and will make lots of grand pledges for investment and connections but fail to execute or deliver anything of tangible value. Max is all talk, and people have complained that his tactics are to drag things out for several months before he confuses the issue of his non-performance by claiming your ideas are his own as a way of getting credit and payment. I liked him and thought I could manage him towards a positive outcome, but I couldn’t. If you’re involved with him on a project now, my advice is to add up what he has promised and, more likely what he has failed to deliver, and move on. The alternative is to risk spending lots of time, money, and professional resources fixing whatever mess or claims Max will inflict upon you.May 2, 2022
  • Dodger LA on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Massimiliano Musina is the definition of a douche bag – he’s fulla sh*tMay 1, 2022
  • Young Turk 🇹🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “ne piç! Max dürüst olmayan bir aptalApril 30, 2022
  • Ron Toe 🍁 on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Rink rat hoser!April 29, 2022
  • Mark My Words on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Lessons learned. Never argue with a helpful idiot like LA’s Max Musina. He will only bring you down to his level and beat you with experience. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze!April 28, 2022
  • DC on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Thanks for posting. This site is very helpful in our premlim DD. Too many red flags with this guy. Hard pass!April 27, 2022
  • Letter from Kenny 🇮🇪 on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “I’ve seen wet sh’ts I liked more than Max Musina and his get rich quick crypto Ponzi schemesApril 26, 2022
  • Frankie Hessen 🇩🇪 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Schweinhund!! Max Musina seems to be less popular than most transmitted diseases! Hodl 🤭April 22, 2022
  • Big Ben Karnataka 🇮🇳 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “muda chuda time waste no money no respect 💩 Raj and Sandy riteApril 21, 2022
  • Masovian Voivodeship 🇵🇱 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “✌️ Max Musina! Skurwysynu! ✌️ Thanks Raj!!April 20, 2022
  • No Bull 🇹🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Göt lalesi!! Göt veren!! Max Musina is as toxic to your business as a urinal cake in ChernobylApril 20, 2022
  • Antep 🇹🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Orospu çocuğu! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽April 20, 2022
  • Anaheim Angel on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “These comments read like quotes from a movie script for what could be a bad sequel to Walter Mitty. Max Musina is a scrounger with no qualms about abusing the kindness and generosity of those he has befriended. Max has a history of trying to scam a living by claiming credit for other people’s hard work. Max’s notion of morality, integrity, loyalty, and honesty are just empty words without meaning. If anyone has listened to the nonsense that Max uses as a sales pitch and escaped without investing money in any of his hair-brained schemes, count yourself lucky.April 19, 2022
  • Sand and Snow Utah on Massimiliano Musina Contact 2024: Join Max Musina Film Producer: “Thanks for posting such a thorough exposé on Max Musina, and judging from the many comments and contributors, Massimiliano Musina has done an excellent job upsetting all the wrong people. The common thread for all the comments is that scammers play clever psychological tricks to fool their marks into trusting them. And that is the root of many of the irritations expressed about Musina on this blog. The bottom line is that nobody likes a scammer. I will comment again privately with more information and you can choose to publish it.April 18, 2022
  • Yoda on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “It’s a shame you don’t have a donate now button! I’d definitely donate to keeping this site updated! Max Musina’s a POS!April 17, 2022
  • Tempezona on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Wow! What a scumbagApril 14, 2022
  • Ohio Stone on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “The guy has no shame. Working with Max is like trying to use an effing croissant as a dildo. It doesn’t do the job and it makes an effing mess. April 13, 2022
  • Rico 🇵🇷 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Scandalous!April 12, 2022
  • Melrose Mama on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “smoke, mirrors, fake smiles! right on! massimiliano musina’s business acumen is an infestation of mediocrity!April 11, 2022
  • The Real Real 🏳️‍🌈 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “True story (allegedly)… We all know that Max was bragging about part-time banging an older actress on and off for years. This woman finally found a wealthy older man to keep her in a lavish lifestyle. At the time, Max was living out of a suitcase sleeping in the spare room of his sister’s empty home in Malibu that was on the market for sale. Max used the malibu fires story as an opportunity to pull on the heartstrings of this woman and claim that he lost everything in the fires. A gross exaggeration since Max Musina had been couch surfing various friends’ homes for years and had never rented a place of his own in LA. To help Max, this woman asked her generous older boyfriend if Max could stay at one of the empty houses he had purchased for development. Luckily, one of these luxury houses in the Hollywood hills once belonged to Brittney Spears and Max wasted no time passing it off as his own. To add further insult to injury, this kind older man became a cuck by housing not one but two of this woman’s lovers at the same time in the same house in Beverly Hills because his girlfriend manipulated him into helping her “friends” out. Max pretended to be this older man’s friend while never disclosing his history of banging the girlfriend whenever she was into it. Max was a taker, freeloading off this man by living in a luxury Hollywood hills house rent-free for over a year, never paying for meals, and pretending to advise the guy on how best to deal with his demanding, ungrateful girlfriend. Max Musina became what Kato was to OJ. A man without scruples or integrity. More ironic is that this woman was so desperate to be recognized in the movie business that Max persuaded her to tap her rich older boyfriend to give her $100,000 in expenses that she invested in Max’s shell company, Map Production Services LLC. According to sources, Max relied upon this money to gain an interest in a completed movie called Triumph and then misrepresented the company to qualify for a fraudulent $96,000 PPP loan (you mentioned this in the blog). She will never get the money back from Max, and her aging boyfriend probably had no idea that it was his money that Max used to buy a stake in the Triumph movie and negotiate an executive producer credit. Rumors are that Musina didn’t even fulfill his financial obligations to the Triumph team and he misled them in order to get them to agree to the ex ep credit). Names omitted for privacy.April 10, 2022
  • Los Gatos on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “💩 Max Musina behaves no better than a sentient enema 💩April 5, 2022
  • Eden Powder on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Defend the indefensible? Lol. This guy Max is a scammerApril 4, 2022
  • South Bay Pearl on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Amateur hour! What a douche! Massimiliano Musina’s antics are those of a lying, narcissistic sociopath who has no idea of the boundaries between right and wrong.April 3, 2022
  • Lazy Parrot 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina! El burro sabe más que tú!March 31, 2022
  • Caffe Roma 🇮🇹 on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Cretino! Dito nel culo!March 30, 2022
  • Busso Lengo 🇮🇹 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Cazzo! Vai mona!March 29, 2022
  • Saska Toons on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “🤮 Max Musina is the world’s biggest single-celled organism!March 27, 2022
  • Baja La Paz 🇲🇽 on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Trust me lol this guy’s dream deals are dog sh*tMarch 26, 2022
  • Panama City 🇵🇦 on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Whata Puto!March 25, 2022
  • Due Know Rincón 🇵🇷 on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Due know what they say? “How to make a small fortune with Max Musina? Start with a larger one”. Sad truth!March 24, 2022
  • New York Minute on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “What a piece of garbage! Musina has a horrendous reputation. You can’t rely on anything he tells you as being true. People are not shy to tell you exactly what they think.March 23, 2022
  • Ali Karachi 🇵🇰 on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Raj you right. Harami time waste and no pay. madarchod.March 22, 2022
  • 12 South TN on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Sonofa….March 21, 2022
  • Sandy Utah on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Your Max Musina IMDb put down spells out the bull from the sh*t for all Massimiliano Musina’s bogus and inflated professional claims. Anyone that runs a simple background check can confirm the same.March 20, 2022
  • Kanan on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina. Eres un puto gilipollas!March 19, 2022
  • Boise 208 on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Massimiliano “Max” Musina is a talentless but relentless opportunist. He is an unscrupulous thieving hack with a known history of stealing other people’s work who tries to pass those ideas and the time taken to create them as his own. Once you dig deeper and see past his fake charm, there is no hiding his deceitful nature. In my experience, Max has caused nothing but problems that waste significant resources of time and money and are often unnecessarily complicated to resolve. He is an irritating scab that I would prefer to forget.March 18, 2022
  • Naples 🇮🇹 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “You so right. Massimiliano “Max” Musina is Number one bullsh*t guy. Testa di cazzo! A shameless and shameful sh*t stain on the good name of those in Hollywood that do the work.March 17, 2022
  • Wirral Tales on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “What a muppet! The only work Max Musina has ever finished is an entire ice cream cake! March 16, 2022
  • Promote Biggleswade on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “What an absolute whopper for doing that! How can anyone take Max Musina seriously?March 15, 2022
  • Chandak on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Muda chada 💩March 14, 2022
  • Lala Land on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Hollywood’s Massimiliano ‘Max’ Musina is a lowlife who has never achieved anything of merit on his own initiative. Any small successes he may have had have been funded by plagiarizing or worming his way into other people’s projects thru lies and by taking advantage of other people’s good nature and gullibility. Once people see thru Musina’s deceit, it is often too complicated to extricate Musina from those projects even though his pattern of non-performance and deception is apparent. Maxi pads tax dodge schemes don’t work, and the people he once did business with he fu*ked over and want nothing to do with him, so any references he may offer you will be vague at best. Good luck to any of you suckers who think you’ll make any money with this scumbag.March 13, 2022
  • Zü Rich on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Danke für die InformationMarch 11, 2022
  • Maharani on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “👍🏽March 10, 2022
  • fLAker on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina (or Massimiliano Musina as he no calls himself in his latest online rebrand to try and dodge this blog) is a poor excuse for a (fake) friend or (fake) business associate. He’s a 2-bit conman.March 9, 2022
  • Calabasas Cat on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “These comments about this fake fck Max Musina are not funny, but they are entertainingMarch 7, 2022
  • El Niño Prodigio de Guayama 🇵🇷 on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “max musina yu ar ey fuh-kihng lu-zuhr!March 6, 2022
  • LA Mascot on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina is a parasite looking for a host.March 3, 2022
  • Compton Cross on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Haha sounds like Max Musina. He’s all floss and no paycheck. This too… Bro, Can we split the check even though you only had a bottle of water and I ordered enough food to feed a small nation? This kind of thing is not a one-off. Think back on how many times you have been with Musina and covered his restaurant and bar tabs. He’s a taker that is all fake smiles and feigned interest.March 2, 2022
  • Texan Toni on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Bro. Can I borrow your car for a bit? I’m waiting for my new BMW to be delivered. Lol. He’s a broke grifter.March 1, 2022
  • Kolkata Ben on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Muda chada still time wastingFebruary 27, 2022
  • Anthony Livingston on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “These comments 🤣 Max Msuina is a plus-size homunculus 🤣February 25, 2022
  • Orange Rahway on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Sounds all too familiarFebruary 24, 2022
  • Latin Lover on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina. El burro sabe más que tú!February 21, 2022
  • Canada Goose on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Trust Max Musina as far as you can throw him. He’s a Career opportunist.February 20, 2022
  • Clemson Tiger on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina is all smoke and mirrors and fake smiles. He is the epitome cliche of the bs self-important do-nothing Hollywood producer type.February 19, 2022
  • Baltimore Rising on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Massimiliano Musina is fulla hot air. Max Musina is the king of speaking sh*t for hours without coming up for a breath of air and ever really saying anything that can be believed.February 18, 2022
  • Jetset Met on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “When you give money to a known scammer the result is that you will always end up short. Max Musina is not the friend or business associate you need.February 17, 2022
  • Aguada Special on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max Musina’s most recent brag is that he has hired some SEO hacks to try and bury this site from search engines. In other words, instead of trying to solve the problem, Max Musina is trying to solve the problem of people being aware of the problem.February 16, 2022
  • La Mallorca on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Oof! Es un imbecil simpatico!February 15, 2022
  • Boricua Locals on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Qué Cabrón! If this tonto del culo Max Musina thinks anyone here in Puerto Rico will work with him to qualify tax credits for his unoriginal mierda ideas, Él está soñando. Vaya gilipollas que es este tipo! A mí, plín!February 14, 2022
  • Stumptown OG on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “C’Mon man! What a sham. Max you can do betterFebruary 13, 2022
  • No Wonder on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “This is amusing but not a fun read. It is all too familiar. Max Musina is not the helpful producer he pretends to be. Run a background check and you will see.February 12, 2022
  • Rico Bobby on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Massimiliano Musina will try to say the right thing to make you trust him, but will not do the right thing when it comes down to it. If you’re reading these posts, your spider senses must be tingling! Max you can’t eye-f*ck your way out of the information posted on this site.February 11, 2022
  • Sunshine City Pete on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “What a scammer! Max Musina’s famous words “My brother, I’ll pay for the coffee. You pay for the taxi, table at the club, party favors and girls tonight okay?”February 10, 2022
  • Kuala Jaya on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “zakar besar di ibu anda! Max cheap time waster!February 10, 2022
  • Let's Exchange Info on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “All too familiar. Dealing with Max and the bs that comes with him is not a positive experience. No lies.February 9, 2022
  • Heather Jane Drinks Earl Grey on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Thanks, Novi team. Kevin, Ross, and Ewen from our PR shops in Edinburgh have experienced the same. Unrealistic expectations without a proper budget to support. Good luck with burying these pages in search results. It’s a mammoth task. It’s no secret that Massimiliano Musina has paid SEO to post and promote many pretty pictures of him looking like a film producer on IMDb to try to hide MAXMUSINA.COM. We all know that you can put lipstick on a pig, color it’s hair and even put a cute dress on it if you dare, but it’s still just a pig in makeup.February 8, 2022
  • Mill City Dan on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “I started with good intentions. The famous words of every scammer. I never meant to scam you. It just happened. So good that the information posted on this website is available for all to see. So many things written here remind me of my experiences dealing with Massimiliano “Max” Musina.February 7, 2022
  • Hialeah Cruz on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Es el chico de la basura! Max Musina ia a crook that would sell his own Muda! The biggest problem from bottom feeders like Massimiliano Musina is not the money they might earn if they ever muscle in on someone else’s deal but how they earn it.February 6, 2022
  • StopMusina on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Max Musina’s M.O.: At first Massimiliano Musina will do a great charming performance to get you to like him, then once he lies/cons his way into your business he becomes a parasite. Stop Musina. Report Max to the FBI, DA, IRS, etc.February 5, 2022
  • Pacific Romany on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “C’mon man! This Max Musina bullsh*t reminds me of an old movie quote “Don’t worry about the snakes in your garden when you’ve got spiders in your bed.”February 4, 2022
  • Newport Surf on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Massimiliano Musina’s stock is crashing faster than Netflix when you read this exposé. Thank you for posting this information.February 3, 2022
  • Redondo Rich on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Max, this is very disappointing information. Get your house in order.February 2, 2022
  • Albany Al on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “This boy max musina (massimiliano musina) is all sizzle and no steakFebruary 1, 2022
  • Cata lonia on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “estúpido idiota!!!January 31, 2022
  • Stowhio on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “What a joke! Does Max not think people would ever do a basic background check on him. The lies in his IMDb bio and LinkedIn resume are so easy to uncover. Massimiliano Musina. Come on man! How embarrassingJanuary 29, 2022
  • Calabasas Ace Ventura on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “It’s not surprising that Massimiliano Musina’s Linkedin resume and IMDb biography contain outright lies and exaggerations. Frauds like LA’s Max Musina are rarely congruent with who they say they are.January 28, 2022
  • Lucas Maumee 💎🙌 on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Massimiliano Musina and his HODL crypto scam is a poo coin, just as you say. Max Musina’s underwear must be cleaner than you’d expect because all the sh*t from his stomach comes out of his mouth and not his rear end.January 27, 2022
  • Arroyo Grande Latte on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Outrageous that Max Musina is so bold he has no shame in writing such blatant lies and exaggerations in his professional online bios and resumes. Massimiliano Musina must be stupider than he looks and thinks people are even dumber.January 26, 2022
  • Mark Pennell on Privacy, Copyright & Corrections: Massimiliano Musina: “It has come to our attention that you have reffered to Beacon Pictures. Max Musina does not work for Beacon Pictures. (Corrections: Webmaster notes that Beacon removed a page that referenced Musina from their website shortly after posting this comment).January 25, 2022
  • Novi Ed on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “This guy Massimiliano Musina is a liability. I see why Raj and dees guys were not happy with him. it will take a lot to clean up this messJanuary 24, 2022
  • Dublin O'Connell on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “This site has revealed a lot of inconvenient truths about the half truths that Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina) has used to make his way. As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction like Musina’s have. January 22, 2022
  • Wilma Rudolph on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “My friend has been complaining about him for months. I’m only posting this because I think she is too embarrassed to talk about it with many people and it was really bothering her. So her goes. To paraphrase, she said something like: “I wish I knew all this before getting involved with this low life (Max Musina). I didn’t need him to get an IMDb credit, but he convinced me that I did. Now I’m stuck with him on a project I worked so hard on, and no one will touch it with a 9-foot stripper pole while Max Musina is attached. All I hear from Max are imaginary multi-milli deals he is working on that I think they are just in his imagination. Sure he seems always to be burning a mobile phone in his ear, but doing what, I wonder? My problem was that I fell for his eye flirting and thought if he could charm me, he could persuade others to fund my dream project. Max said we should come up with an elaborate backstory to try and make the deal sound more like an insider reveals all and distract from our inexperience. We even dressed it up with some names but these names are only pay to play so they are no help at all. Now it seems the more people I ask, the more negative experiences people share with me about their feelings about doing anything with Massimiliano Musina. They say, “have a drink with him, but don’t believe a word he says as he’s a flakey Hollywood dreamer”.January 21, 2022
  • 3Rivers on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “You so right. Once you realize that his (Massimiliano Musina) words and deeds don’t align, you gotta reduce the trust you might have had in Max Musina down to zero, and then you’ll be in the right space with this conman.January 20, 2022
  • Columbus on Fake IMDb Biography Exposed: Massimiliano Musina (Max Musina): “Massimiliano Musina’s pie in the sky business ideas work out as well as couples who meet on Craigslist.January 19, 2022
  • Windsor on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Massimiliano Musina’s hair brained plans remind me of a skit from Family Guy… Max Musina has “an idea so smart that his head would explode if he even began to know what he was talking about.”January 16, 2022
  • Lawrence of Kansas on Massimiliano Musina Contact 2024: Join Max Musina Film Producer: “This really is an eye-opening (or should I say, eye-watering) website. I share many of the same highs and lows of being manipulated by Massimiliano (Max) Musina, and have lost money, time and reputation by association. If only this information had been available to be a few years ago 🙁January 15, 2022
  • Big Apple on Massimiliano Musina Fraud: PPP Loan Alert #478155740: “Definitely fugazi! This site should be called “Max Musina Dot Con”. Massimiliano Musina return the money and pretty sure you will get off with just a slap on the wrist!January 14, 2022
  • Noah Webster West Hartford on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “As the saying goes “you can put lipstick on a pig”. Well done to Massimiliano Musina for putting up some pretty photos to try and look more legit. But we all know it’s a futile effort to disguise his fundamental failings.January 12, 2022
  • A Coruña on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “la verdad!January 10, 2022
  • Branford Windsor on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “You ever noticed your neighbors dog did a huge dump in your front yard and didn’t clean it up? Well that’s what Massimiliano Musina from LA is. A huge pile of crap in your front yard disturbing your enjoyment of a beautiful day. This post is Max’s karma coming back at him.January 8, 2022
  • Dunediner on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Och aye the noo!January 6, 2022
  • Coon Rapids Varsity MVP on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “How disappointing. Massimiliano Musina. Another fake mister hollywood bullsht artist. The Coon approves this post. January 5, 2022
  • Estefania Bogota2Miami on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Max es un carechimba. Mira al hijueputa ese. Ese caremonda me molesta. He’s so cheap n fake it’s disgusting. What a liar he is to try n impress and flirt with me. Don’t buy itJanuary 4, 2022
  • Big D Texas on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Massimiliano Musina is so dishonest he’s slicker than a slop jar. Musina’s supposed professional experience has more twists than a pretzel factory. Max Musina is so dishonest that he’s on a first-name basis with the bottom of the deck. Well done on publishing this post. Happy new year y’all from Dallas Texas!January 2, 2022
  • Altoona Polk on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Massimiliano Musina fake resume reads like a novel in stupidly.January 1, 2022
  • Barney Prine on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Massimiliano Musina is completely and utterly insincere. Max will say anything to try and get ahead and convince you that whatever crap he is pitching you is gold. The worthless Fdl poo coin for his pie in the sky Hodl tv show is just another example. Steer clear!December 31, 2021
  • Italian Lira 🐇🕳️ on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “LOL well done for connecting the South Park get rich quick NFT pyramid scheme parody with the kinda shit that Massimiliano Musina is trying to sell, “You lure your customers in with some good pancakes and french fries, and then you… fuck ’em with some NFTs! That’s what we’re gonna do.”December 30, 2021
  • Miami FIves on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Whoa! Max this is far from impressive. Get your house in order man.December 30, 2021
  • Teaneck on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Max. Come on man. Get your sh*t together!December 29, 2021
  • Honolulu Shaka on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Mahalo! Well done for exposing this hollywood charlatan. Misleading conduct like this paints others in the industry with the same brush! Shame on you Max! This is embarrassing Massimiliano Musina. December 28, 2021
  • Enna Rocca on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Certo!December 27, 2021
  • LA Angel ☣️ on Max Musina HODL 2022 crypto scam token: Learn More: “Max Musina tryna sell some worthless bullshit crypto token. Shocker!!December 26, 2021
  • Portland Preacher on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Buon Natale Feliz Navidad Merry Christmas (Massimiliano Musina) from Portland December 24, 2021
  • HAY-gərz-town on Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed: “Max Musina is all talk. Everything he pitches is smoke and mirrors. Please analyze his new IMDb bio (Massimiliano Musina). I doubt he’s capable of writing it himself so well done to whoever he asked a favor from to write it. I say favor because he is a cheap skate abuses his friendships to try to get professional services for free when he can. His IMDb bio makes him sound legit but ask any of the real producers on the movies like triumph or primal and I’m pretty sure they will be tight lipped about Max Musina finding a way onto their projects and making money and credits from their hard work while the only work Max Musina apparently did was peacock around town playing the important hollywood producer type. He really is a piece of trash.December 24, 2021
  • Bletchley Code Breakers on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Thanks for the heads up Ashok! You and Raj were right. This Max Musina Map Group is a fast talking time wasting mādarchod! This youtube video is funny. Thanks for sharing mādarchods! 22, 2021
  • New York Minute on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Max Musina. He’s so fulla sht. He talks and talks and talks and nothing he says is real once you dig deeper. He just tries to bamboozal people by trying to sell a get rich quick dream and promise of hollywood hob nobbing with the stars.December 20, 2021
  • Manila DMA Thrila on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Ansabe? Anyare. Not goodDecember 19, 2021
  • Butuan DMA on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Speak with Rajesh and Anand. Why we still waste our time with this guy? This Max Musina. Echoser!December 14, 2021
  • Clarksville10 🍕 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “I wish I had read the comments on this website before trusting Max Musina. Max hitched his wagon to me, and now the project I have worked so hard on is in limbo because it’s not easy for a producer who has never made anything before. He tricked me into thinking I didn’t have enough experience and that he (as Map Group) could help with my project when all that Max Musina knows how to do is talk Hollywood bullshit. What a big mistake I made. Not only have I paid for everything but there aren’t any investors out there ready to back him, and I’m stuck with his name attached to my show. Massimiliano Musina’s latest line is that because he is now a resident of Puerto Rico, that somehow the crypto community that lives there will fall in love with him and his Hollywood promises and invest in him. Musina is delusional.December 12, 2021
  • Twin City n Fridley on Massimiliano Musina Film Producer 2023 Scams: From LA To Puerto Rico: “Describing my experience dealing with Max Musina is like being asked to describe the contents of a porta-potty in exact terms. I may not be able to break it down into specific detail, but I can tell you that whatever is in there is a whole bunch o’ shite.December 10, 2021
  • Gibsons Way 👀 on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “We have some sayings up here in BC and Max lives up to all of them. He is a real Gorby and a chiseler and a chucklehead. Musina is trying to peddle his nonsense NFT tv investment scam up here toosDecember 9, 2021
  • Irish Naas on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Said well my badmash seo friend! How many search teams have looked at this site?? Max Musina tried to waste our time too. Now he must take the small potato with the big potato.December 8, 2021
  • Weho Prince on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina ia lying conniving fool whose mouth is more open than his mind.December 7, 2021
  • Madinat Al-Kuwayt on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “If talking bullcrap were an Olympic sport, Puerto Rico’s so-hollywood Max Musina would bring home gold and silver medals.December 5, 2021
  • Lilly House Indianapolis on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina is the kinda guy that talks too much about business things he imagines to be true. He is a deluded dreamer. What he tells you is little more than just noise or irrelevant gibberish designed to keep himself entertained and feeling important.December 4, 2021
  • Kissimmee Quick at Art Basel on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina is so bad at doing even simple paperwork that it needs close captioning for others to understand it.December 3, 2021
  • Paço de Arcos on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Pretty accurate. Put another way, Max Musina sucks harder than Lola on too much cocaine!December 1, 2021
  • Perugia Calcio on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Triste vederlo online. La verità fa male. Spero che Massimiliano sistemi la sua vita. Ho chiuso con lui.November 29, 2021
  • Balneario Rincón on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Max Musina is a liar, a thief and cheat. He is no friend to anyone but himself. My experience with Massimiliano (Max) Musina reminds me of the wise words of Buddha as written by Sigalovada Sutta in the description of the four types of friends. Buddha says they are not friends but rather enemies. Max Musina is the friend who is all taking. Max Musina is a friend who is full of empty words. Max Musina is a friend who is full of flattery. And Max Musina is the reckless friend. The wise understand this and keep them at a distance as they would a dangerous path, but it is easy to be wise in hindsight.November 27, 2021
  • Leslie Ingham on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Ain’t that the truth! Since we’re on sucks harder than stories. Max sucks harder than a mid-thirties housewife getting a hold of George Clooney.November 25, 2021
  • Duna Magyarország on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “🙌🏻November 23, 2021
  • Ashok Hyderabad on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “My friends in search, thank you for posting these comments. We will not waste any more time on this.November 23, 2021
  • El Pueblo Aguadilla on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Funny comments. They read like “Max Musina… thought of the day”.November 22, 2021
  • Bengaluru Mo on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Tanks Vaibhav. Raj an Sandy say same. This jungli gora no pay either. mean badmash. so we no rise. we no rank. we no repeat. Tell seo in Nyergesújfalu twoNovember 21, 2021
  • We're not in Kansas anymore on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “The first time I met Max, he was hovering at a buffet, chewing a mouth stuffed fulla food while double fisting shots of sushi in each hand, ready to fire while greedily eyeing the next food tray that passed. Says it all really. Freeloader.November 20, 2021
  • Dublin Stepper on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “He’s a right bollix that Max!November 19, 2021
  • Calgary Film on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “#TruthNovember 18, 2021
  • General Roca Centenario on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max se caga en todo lo que se mueve! Pendejo!November 17, 2021
  • Phoenix Brings the Heat on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Musina is a deluded Hollywood Grifter type filled with self-importance. As a practical matter, Max has no fundamental business skills. You soooo right. Most of the time, Max is entirely useless, but believes his empty participation will allow him to benefit significantly from other people’s hard work. Musina is a drain on resources and is poison to the culture of your business or project.November 16, 2021
  • One Ton Gji on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “That guy Musina sucks harder than toilets in an airplane bathroom!November 14, 2021
  • J Badger on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Heavy eye flirting. Seems about right. I seen him do this with men and women. Just sayinNovember 13, 2021
  • El Lay on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Here’s how you sum up Max. He’s a moocher! “If someone else is paying, how much food and drinks can I order on their bill?”November 11, 2021
  • Evanston Cooke on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “So much merch in deez posts. This Flodginn POS gonna have to wear the jacket for so many false promise and being dishonest sooner or l8rNovember 9, 2021
  • West Lake Hang Zhou on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Max try do China business but there to many red a flag warning. He lie. We no trust heNovember 7, 2021
  • Willamette Portlandia on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina relies heavily on using all the “how can I help you” eye flirting techniques he has practiced. Once you get past this distraction, you will soon realize that Musina is completely and utterly useless. Max is all talk and has no business follow thru. His direct negligence cost our project massive delays, needlessly challenging legal conflicts, and lots of time and money to fix. Max was, however, very good at spending money he thought he could charge back to our production.November 6, 2021
  • Noble Boro Bro on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “brah you too? Musina. Cheap yes. Time waster check check. info sounds legitNovember 5, 2021
  • București Comms on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “thanks for message. if this guy dont pay respect your time why he respect ourNovember 4, 2021
  • Daniela Santos on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “And the Universe said, ‘Let me show you”.November 3, 2021
  • Suz Hou administration on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Musina time waste no pay. Website rite. Max iz lazy egg little white face dog whelp of human beingNovember 2, 2021
  • Monica Santa on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Max Musina is about as useful as a glass hammer!November 2, 2021
  • Arecibo Star on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “lol! Max is just smart enough to be stupidNovember 1, 2021
  • DMA Sing on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Why yoo care? This guy mak kau hijau!October 31, 2021
  • Coffee on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Max Musina is about as useful as a fart in a jacuzzi.October 30, 2021
  • Raj on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Why u comment ? Delete this. Lublin boss is mad! No DMA in name!!October 29, 2021
  • DMA Shah Alam on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “this guy! bodoh otak siputOctober 29, 2021
  • Kode iz Kozhi on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “Maybe this boka choda mandabuddhi use google for meaning of his life? Do not waste yor time.October 28, 2021
  • Calicut Kerala on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “bhag yaha se! i don’t know how describe. it funny feeling I get when I be google search. He no pay me an waste my time 2October 28, 2021
  • Now Yu Know on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “omg becky! So sleaze!! Max was bragging about getting shares in a public co like only fans that was gonna make him rich. This sounds like it could be it. The guy behind it that Max had a relationship with was in the newspapers with me-too-type complaints. “Amir Ben-Yohanan, the 48-year-old CEO of Clubhouse Media Group, is accused of mistreating teens as young as 15 while they stayed at the company’s mansions. Several said he was ‘very aggressive’ about setting up dates for his young stars… In just over a year, the company has become a $742 million-dollar business with much of that value believed to have come from people buying up stocks they mistakenly believed were for popular new social media app Clubhouse, which sees invited users share audio files. Clubhouse and CMG have no ties.” Here ya go. Check out the Daily Mail May 8, 2021. 27, 2021
  • Kenmore WA on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “ROFL. Yup, that’s Max Musina to the letter T! I have experienced paying for him too. He always has some credit card block excuse. He must think everyone is stupid apart from him. That he got us to pay for it too maybe proves him right aha!October 26, 2021
  • Vaibhav Pune Kale on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Chhi-chhi my friend. This Mr Musina is a badmash. A very very badmash. This gora can kiss my chuddies. He time waste an cheap with bucks he offer me to fix his problem. What he asks no easy and he no appreciates me. I no a lawyer but he wants me to be. Show the rupees or i stop clean. Arré!October 24, 2021
  • LA Car Guy on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “This sounds pretty accurate. All show and no substance.October 22, 2021
  • YoBen on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “I know this story all to well. Some nightclub guys in Las Vegas introduced me to Max one late night when I was out. Max learned my company was launching a new platform to compete with only fans and was thinking of bringing some help to onboard talent. Max spent some time trying to befriend me and gain my trust. Max seemed likable but, as I later discovered, completely fulla-sht, even though he did try to hook me up with several random girls he thought would impress me whenever we went out. I did not need him to do that. My mistake was agreeing to bring him on for a short while. Max claimed his entertainment relationships could bring some well-known actors on the platform because it was our dream to be more than just a video site for semi-naked influencer girls to make money. You guessed it. No actors or notable talent materialized from Musina. But he was good at claiming expenses for nothing, which we soon stopped. We didn’t need Max’s help to onboard OnlyFans honeys (tho I am sure Max enjoyed his access to speak to these busty girls). Our live video platform sold itself to these honeys when OnlyFans announced some policy changes. Anyways, Max turned out to be a complete waste of our time and money. He over-promised and did not deliver on one thing of value. He did, however, suck up lots of phone time and try to leverage his new relationship with us. Reading these comments, it seems like Massimiliano Musina has upset many people, so I wish him luck. Maybe we were just not a good fit.October 20, 2021
  • Odisha IN Bhubaneswar on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Mr Max. Stop waste our team time maybe website is right.October 18, 2021
  • Dale In The City, Virginia on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “I hear you loud and clear. Max has always had a casual association with the truth. Max will undoubtedly accentuate the dreamy positives to the unsuspecting investor, leaving everything else as a vague blur, which is an area he operates best. If Max ever asks you for investment, RUN as fast as you can away from him, and you will save a fortune rather than lose one.October 16, 2021
  • Haverford EDU on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “I just came across this site after a colleague pointed it out to me this morning and had a holy sht moment. I know this guy. Apart from his big insincere grin and fake eyebrows that the site mentions, I remember Max as self-important, disingenuous, vein, predictable, unremarkable, and without relevance. It’s no surprise that Max Musina moved to Puerto Rico. How many bridges has he burnt? No one misses him in LA apart from the debt collectors.October 14, 2021
  • We Devizes on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “The last time I saw Max in LA he was living out of the back of his BMW7 M series but with no money in his pocket. This is not an exaggeration. He was literally homeless. The inside of his car and trunk were full to the brim with disorganized clothes and bags. Usually, a messy car is often a physical representation of a messy mind and worse, personal hygiene. Max tried to pass it off as dirty laundry but I sensed there was more to it than that. This makes sense as everything time I saw him he was living in the spare room of some new friend. I know this sounds like a cliche LA story but it’s true. I’m not looking to put Max down. People go thru tough times. But Max was stilling talking about living large and in charge when it was clear he was not. Btch know when to be humble. Now I see Max has relocated to Puerto Rico, no doubt still living off the goodwill of honest people who actually work for a living by making promises he has no intention of fulfilling. I suppose one has to admire his pointless tenacity or at least sympathise with it otherwise he would have to get a real job and deliver on his promises.October 13, 2021
  • Bay Bengal Tiger Chennai on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “this Max Musina guy not so smart. he try to hire me to hide this website by posting content to other place. I base in Chennai but he cheapskate not want to pay me for service. he bad man. He rude so now i not do any work for him.October 11, 2021
  • Mattydale on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Sad. I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to be taken in by Max’s charm. He seems like he wants to be your friend. He’s not. He’s looking to see what value he can get from you. Whether it’s staying on your couch for a few days, borrowing some money to pay some bills because he’s waiting to get paid on a big deal, using you to get close to your well-connected friends, or telling you he can help you get your film financed. Max is a bullsht artist.October 8, 2021
  • Ramsey on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Truth! POSOctober 5, 2021
  • Sabana Grande on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Max is a career opportunist. Don’t be fooled by his insincere smile and fake concern for your welfare. If you have something of value, beware. He will make investment promises to you that he can’t keep and worm his way into paperwork without contributing a thing.October 2, 2021
  • Castellón on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Max is a ponce. The old saying goes, “with friends like (Max Musina), who needs enemies.” Musina’s idea of a business deal is to take value from someone else’s project without giving any tangible value in return apart from countless hours of hot air—promises of investment, promises of meaningful introductions, guarantees of doing business. Max quickly refers to your business as “our” business. It seems harmless enough. Maybe he is just enthusiastic? In truth, nothing Max says he will do for you comes to fruition, but know this, when you get your project off the ground, no thanks to the time-waster that is Max Musina, he will come knocking on your door demanding his cut. Like one person commented, Max worms his way into paperwork that seems innocent enough at the time and then tries to use this as proof that somehow he has some ownership in what you’re doing when it takes off, even though he did nothing but burn up time on the phone and socialize with you. Max’s desperate actions to get a payoff are all the more confusing and hurtful because he pretended to be your friend.September 29, 2021
  • Gresham on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Do you know what they say about fast friends? They become fast enemies. Max Musina is not the nice guy he pretends to be. If you like him, I suggest you keep friendship and business separate or find that you will damage your business and no longer be friends.September 26, 2021
  • Robert Creek on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “I see that Max’s latest pipedream venture is to try and finance a tv show called HODL with some other unbankable no-name low lives. Maybe these muppets don’t know their poor judgment to bring Musina into leech off their deal so I will respect their privacy. A recent public filing indicates that Max and his associates plan to raise $7,500,000 by using an unregulated crypto altcoin that would allow them to do whatever they want with the money. Given Max’s questionable honesty and imaginary track record on delivering any real value, it sounds like he is trying to cash in on interest in crypto and another attempt to funnel money and joy from unsuspecting investors.September 19, 2021
  • Baja Veja on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “These comments! Clearly, Max has upset a lot of people. I see him in my neighborhood always talking on the phone loudly so that people can hear how important a businessman he is. it’s a small town where we live in PR. I’m not the only person that is not impressed by him.September 9, 2021
  • Save Dave on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “I have a funny story to tell. Whenever I was with Max, I somehow always found myself picking up the bill for things: coffees, lunches, dinners, and $30 smoothies at Erewhon. After a while, I felt used so I distanced myself from him because he did it to me one too many times. Several months later, I was attending a tradeshow. I ran into Max, and he said something like, “Hey, i’m organizing a dinner tonight at Soho House, if you’re on your own you should come, there will be some great people for you to meet.” I was on my own so I thought why not? Well here’s why not lol. That night I joined Max’s table for dinner. Shortly before the bill came, Max got up and said goodbye to everyone at the table, saying he had to meet someone. He handed me the bill and told me that there was an issue with his credit card, and asked me to pick up the check for him and his guests and that he would pay me back. I told him I was not happy he put me in this situation, but he assured me he would pay me back the following day and trust him. After all, we were supposed to be friends and he was supposed to be a fund raiser. What bull crap. Somehow Max roped me into paying a bill that came to about $2,000 for people I didn’t know and have not seen again since. The sht stain that is Max Musina never made any offers to repay me and blew me off several times when I asked him about it. Looking back, it makes me laugh, but I did not find it funny at the time. I learned my lesson. If I see Max, I say hello but do my best to avoid him. Being friendly with him is a lose-lose proposition.August 30, 2021
  • Como Knows on Max Musina Comments 2024: About Massimiliano Musina Film: “The stories of Max Musina trying to grift off others hard work is repeated more often than episodes of Seinfeld.August 27, 2021
  • Dylan on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Another hollywood low life. Big surprise.August 16, 2021
  • Catherine on Massimiliano Musina Film Producer 2023 Scams: From LA To Puerto Rico: “Douche may not be the right word to describe Max Musina. What I do know is that Max is a douche that likes to pretend he cares. I suppose you use the word douche because it’s an apt description for Max and all he does. His charm and friendliness are just that, a show to make you feel warm and fuzzy, like you’re his best friend or something more intimate. He attaches himself to projects with lofty promises and does nothing to advance them other than talk. Max will end up costing you a lot in lost time and money. Watch out for these signs before you consider bringing Max on your team!August 5, 2021
  • George on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max is the type of guy who makes all your dreams come true. He can get you funding, he’s got connections with a top producer in Hollywood and even knows what it feels like to be on the red carpet. The one thing Max doesn’t have? Money! Max will tell you that his promises are just as good–if not better than–reality because they’re exciting but also evaporate when faced by reality. All the while he will leach off whatever funds and investor connections you had in your project.August 3, 2021
  • Oakley on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “I agree. Max never really cared about me. He was only trying to use my friends and I for his own social advancement, so that he would have a better chance in show business. Max is not your friend.August 2, 2021
  • Annie on Max Musina Producer 2023: Fake Charm + other cons: “Thank you for pointing this out. These things all seem so innocent until you look back and realize that Max is a user, everything he pretends to help with only benefits himself in some way or another. In reality, Max is a self-serving opportunist. He pretends to be interested in what you’re working on and then asks if he can help, but it’s all an act- Max doesn’t really want to help you– only himself.August 1, 2021
  • Connie on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Well that explains a lot. I feel kinda stupid but it’s good to get this of my chest. Max was a fly by night friend who only wanted to be involved with the project because he could use it as an excuse for free trips and access to my actor friends. Max thought my idea for a movie was great and offered his expertise to find funding so the project could go forward. We introduced Max to some of our actors, as well as our main investor who hosted regular trips in Las Vegas that we all attended together. All went wrong when it turned out he wanted nothing more than an opportunity to network with my people and freeload off these excursions with us and I had lost everyone’s trust.July 30, 2021
  • Connie on Massimiliano Musina: Unmask The Truth About Map Group 2023: “Fake charm and niceness really does explain how I fell for Max’s bs. Max offered me his expertise in finding funding for my movie so I introduced him to some of the actors who were involved with the project as well as our main investor. Sadly it all went wrong for me. Max’s betrayal led to a series of unfortunate events. After he met my investor, I found out that Max had also worked with the same investor on another project and upset him over money. Had it not been for me introducing them in the first place, they never would have crossed paths!July 29, 2021
  • Wex on Massimiliano Musina Film Producer 2023 Scams: From LA To Puerto Rico: “Max seems like a douche nozzle convinced of his own self importance and hoping he can convince others too.July 24, 2021
  • Anastasia on Massimiliano Musina Film Producer 2023 Scams: From LA To Puerto Rico: “Typical hollywood bottom feederJuly 17, 2021
  • Pat on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “LA’s Max Musina is the kiss of death for your business. He is like an STD. A gift that no one wants but keeps on giving. Any supposed offers for help from Max are not worth the many headaches he will cause you. Expect lots of unforeseen aggravation and countless hours to remedy. Steer clear.July 14, 2021
  • James 🔑 on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max's latest scam is some crypto fundraising with some nobody names that are trying to leverage a supposed relationship with Beacon Pictures and one of the producers of Entourage. You can see his SEC filing here yet he can't even pay his American express bill and has a judgement against him for non-payment. If anyone puts money into, well, one fool makes many. 12, 2021
  • Greg J on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina is either a con man, conspiring with a con man or just plain stupid in his many gross misrepresentations. Max flew to meet our investment team in Atlanta, Georgia, with a Mr Jonathan Lee Smith. Smith was CEO of tv production companies & HOPLITE, INC.; and HOPLITE ENTERTAINMENT INC; Smith defrauded the company of $2,000,000. It is unclear how much Smith paid Musina to help him with introductions to our investment group. See the link included here to read the lawsuit filed in Atlanta on January 22, 2021. 22, 2021
  • Andros on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “How do you know your friends in Hollywood? They stab you in the face! Beware. This adage describes Max Musina to-a-T. He is no one’s friend. Don’t be fooled by his fake smile and fake eyebrows. He has a way of making all sorts of professional promises that he knows he can’t keep and worming his way into paperwork. He is notorious for claiming some ownership or fees on a deal that he had nothing to do with other than talking people to sleep with his empty promises. My personal experience with Max Musina was that he was supposed to invest hard money in a deal and bring hard money investors to a project. Max Musina did neither. Later, he claimed ownership and tried to shake me down for money despite all communications clearly stating that he would only participate in equity if he invested or secured investment. He did neither. Instead, he tried the old “we’re friends, bro” to try and get me to give him something for nothing. I’m lucky to be rid of this grifter. Max Musina is the kind of desperate con man that believes his lies and gives Hollywood producers a bad name.June 21, 2021
  • Kels on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max is just another hollywood low life. Max presents himself as some kinda producer slash fixer. Max was really good at infiltrating me and my up and coming actor friends by spending time with me as a social endorsement and then using their names to try and further himself as a producer. Max has a way of pretending to be interested in what your working on and he was quick to ask if he could help me with anything. I spent lots of time with him, and he made lots of promises to call so and so. He was all hot air. Max is a time waster and soon talked about my project and my friends projects as his projects. In his head he was now attached as a producer which is sooo everything wrong with the worst LA types have to offer.May 20, 2021
  • Fact Checker on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “In my experience, Max Musina was very good at spending money and trying to claim personal expenses as business expenses and was never able to provide any receipts or information on who he allegedly met to justify these. When pressed Max claimed to be building relationships. What was clear was that Max’s idea of business expenses was taking girls out for meals and socializing with friends. Laughable!May 19, 2021
  • George Cast on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Interestingly, you say that Max "seeks credibility by association and often presents ideas, deals, and experience people have discussed with him as his own." My business partner and I met Max socially and soon found that he did this with us. We had no formal business or employment agreement with Max but soon discovered that he was presenting our deal flow around town as his own and calling himself a partner in our fund. It actually caused us several unneeded conflicts. We nipped it in the bud pretty quick. His attitude was quite childish, really, And we had to make it clear to him and those that Max had approached that he was not a trusted friend or business associate of our firm.May 17, 2021
  • Wex on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “I met Max at several Hollywood parties. As is the norm in LA, people talk movie deals. Most are the usual dreamers, but Max always seemed to be on the phone and was adept at name dropping actors, studios, producers, scripts and budgets to appear legit, so we gave him some time to hear him out. Some of the deals Max brought us sounded interesting. What was less attractive is that Max was not directly involved with any project he wanted to introduce to us but misrepresented himself as a critical player and decision-maker. The truth is that Max was like several steps removed in the introduction chain. A broker to a broker to a broker. I liked Max and wanted to try to help him out. Still, we found it nearly impossible to work with Max because he had unrealistic credit expectations and wanted to get paid out of these deals before funds were even agreed upon for deployment. We did not conclude any film business with him.May 16, 2021
  • Fact Checker on Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023: “Max Musina’s professional resume is indeed purely fictional. How has Beacon Picture’s not done a basic background check? Max falsely claims to be the co-founder of two fast-food companies: Pop! Gourmet Foods and Good Planet Foods.  This is an outright lie and misrepresentation. Musina is not a founder, investor, or named shareholder in either company. No doubt, the Seattle-based CEO of both these companies will confirm this. What is clear is that Musina has grossly misrepresented his professional claims and involvement in these companies. Thank you for posting this. I wish I had read this before wasting a lot of time, aggravation, money, and resources giving Max Musina the benefit of the doubt.May 15, 2021

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See also: 

Who is Max Musina?

Fake Charm, Niceness & Other Cons

Faking It in Hollywood

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Max Musina Comments: Report a scam to the District Attorney. Due diligence report for Map Group's Massimiliano Musina @maxmusina @max_musina. Learn the truth about Max Musina's false professional claims and his affiliation with Map Group in this blog post. Top reader comments highlight key takeaways and add a touch of humor to this important topic. Disclaimer: Max Musina and Map Group are not affiliated with the comments or views expressed on this blog.
Max Musina Comments: Report a scam to the District Attorney. Due diligence report for Map Group’s Massimiliano Musina @maxmusina @max_musina
Max Musina Comments: Diligence Report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group
More Max Musina Comments: diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina
Max Musina Comments: Diligence Report and Reader Feedback on Map Group's Massimiliano Musina
Max Musina Comments: Diligence Report and Reader Feedback on Map Group’s Massimiliano Musina


  1. Let’s not assume corruption when stupidity will do in describing the experiences of those that may have worked with mad, I mean sad, Max Musina

  2. These comments read like quotes from a movie script for what could be a bad sequel to Walter Mitty. Max Musina is a scrounger with no qualms about abusing the kindness and generosity of those he has befriended. Max has a history of trying to scam a living by claiming credit for other people’s hard work. Max’s notion of morality, integrity, loyalty, and honesty are just empty words without meaning. If anyone has listened to the nonsense that Max uses as a sales pitch and escaped without investing money in any of his hair-brained schemes, count yourself lucky.

    1. Schweinhund!! Max Musina seems to be less popular than most transmitted diseases! Hodl 🤭

      1. but at least he does have nice eyebrows. Massimiliano Musina, a credit to his wax worker

    2. The last time I saw something like Massimiliano “Max” Musina (and the crap that comes outta his mouth), I flushed it!

  3. It’s a shame you don’t have a donate now button! I’d definitely donate to keeping this site updated! Max Musina’s a POS!

  4. Max Musina is a liar, a thief and cheat. He is no friend to anyone but himself. My experience with Massimiliano (Max) Musina reminds me of the wise words of Buddha as written by Sigalovada Sutta in the description of the four types of friends. Buddha says they are not friends but rather enemies.

    Max Musina is the friend who is all taking.
    Max Musina is a friend who is full of empty words.
    Max Musina is a friend who is full of flattery.
    And Max Musina is the reckless friend.

    The wise understand this and keep them at a distance as they would a dangerous path, but it is easy to be wise in hindsight.

    1. Wise words and sadly all too true. Max is not the friend he pretends to be. He’s all about what he can get out of people he targets and befriends

      1. Are you kidding? I was as shocked to read this 💩 about Max Musina as I was to hear that Leonardo DiCaprio came out as being straight 🤪🤣

  5. The first time I met Max, he was hovering at a buffet, chewing a mouth stuffed fulla food while double fisting shots of sushi in each hand, ready to fire while greedily eyeing the next food tray that passed. Says it all really. Freeloader.

    1. I think that a ‘dildo’ is a reasonable description of Max Musina. I’d call him a d*ck but he’s not real enough!

  6. I just came across this site after a colleague pointed it out to me this morning and had a holy sht moment. I know this guy. Apart from his big insincere grin and fake eyebrows that the site mentions, I remember Max as self-important, disingenuous, vein, predictable, unremarkable, and without relevance. It’s no surprise that Max Musina moved to Puerto Rico. How many bridges has he burnt? No one misses him in LA apart from the debt collectors.

  7. The last time I saw Max in LA he was living out of the back of his BMW7 M series but with no money in his pocket. This is not an exaggeration. He was literally homeless. The inside of his car and trunk were full to the brim with disorganized clothes and bags. Usually, a messy car is often a physical representation of a messy mind and worse, personal hygiene. Max tried to pass it off as dirty laundry but I sensed there was more to it than that. This makes sense as everything time I saw him he was living in the spare room of some new friend. I know this sounds like a cliche LA story but it’s true. I’m not looking to put Max down. People go thru tough times. But Max was stilling talking about living large and in charge when it was clear he was not. Btch know when to be humble. Now I see Max has relocated to Puerto Rico, no doubt still living off the goodwill of honest people who actually work for a living by making promises he has no intention of fulfilling. I suppose one has to admire his pointless tenacity or at least sympathise with it otherwise he would have to get a real job and deliver on his promises.

  8. this Max Musina guy not so smart. he try to hire me to hide this website by posting content to other place. I base in Chennai but he cheapskate not want to pay me for service. he bad man. He rude so now i not do any work for him.

    1. This guy Massimiliano Musina is a liability. I see why Raj and dees guys were not happy with him. it will take a lot to clean up this mess

      1. Thanks, Novi team. Kevin, Ross, and Ewen from our PR shops in Edinburgh have experienced the same. Unrealistic expectations without a proper budget to support. Good luck with burying these pages in search results. It’s a mammoth task.

        It’s no secret that Massimiliano Musina has paid SEO to post and promote many pretty pictures of him looking like a film producer on IMDb to try to hide MAXMUSINA.COM.

        We all know that you can put lipstick on a pig, color it’s hair and even put a cute dress on it if you dare, but it’s still just a pig in makeup.

      2. This muderchod harami! Seo Raj right. Max no pay. He time waste us. Greetings from the Kingdom of Dreams

  9. I see that Max’s latest pipedream venture is to try and finance a tv show called HODL with some other unbankable no-name low lives. Maybe these muppets don’t know their poor judgment to bring Musina into leech off their deal so I will respect their privacy. A recent public filing indicates that Max and his associates plan to raise $7,500,000 by using an unregulated crypto altcoin that would allow them to do whatever they want with the money. Given Max’s questionable honesty and imaginary track record on delivering any real value, it sounds like he is trying to cash in on interest in crypto and another attempt to funnel money and joy from unsuspecting investors.

    1. I hear you loud and clear. Max has always had a casual association with the truth. Max will undoubtedly accentuate the dreamy positives to the unsuspecting investor, leaving everything else as a vague blur, which is an area he operates best. If Max ever asks you for investment, RUN as fast as you can away from him, and you will save a fortune rather than lose one.

  10. These comments! Clearly, Max has upset a lot of people. I see him in my neighborhood always talking on the phone loudly so that people can hear how important a businessman he is. it’s a small town where we live in PR. I’m not the only person that is not impressed by him.

  11. The stories of Max Musina trying to grift off others hard work is repeated more often than episodes of Seinfeld.

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