Massimiliano Musina: Max’s Fake Academic Experience Exposed

diligence report for Max Musina (Massimiliano Musina) Map Group @maxmusina @max_musina

Max Musina has falsely claimed to have graduated from NYU, but there is no record. This misrepresentation is a violation of ethical business practices and raises concerns regarding the legitimacy of his company, Map Group LLC. It is crucial to approach Max and his business with caution and conduct due diligence before entering into any business arrangement with them.

Max Musina Fake IMDb: Faking it in Hollywood 2023

Massimiliano Musina Contact details for all your eyebrow waxing needs! Connect with Map Group's Max Musina for conversations on waxed eyebrows from LA to Puerto Rico. #maxmusina @maxmusina #satire.

Meet Massimiliano Musina, aka Max Musina – Hollywood’s ultimate fraudster. From knowingly using deception for personal gain to faking his professional resume, Max has made a career out of pretending to be someone he’s not. But when you dig deeper, it becomes clear that he’s not just faking it until he makes it – he’s faking it until he fakes it. Don’t be fooled by Max Musina’s slick appearance and fake professional claims. Learn the truth about this Hollywood shyster on IMDb.